We understand that when University students apply for free prescriptions they are refused because their student loan is counted as income. This makes life very difficult for those students who rely on their student loan to get by.
Does anyone with vasculitis or know someone ... - Vasculitis UK
Does anyone with vasculitis or know someone with vasculitis who is at University and has applied for free prescriptions and been refused?

We have been contacted by 2 young people at university who have had their request for free prescriptions refused because the student loan is counted as income. We just need to see if anyone else out there is in the same situation.
i've had this problem too!
Although I am not at University and approaching 60yrs age I too was refused, last December, free scripts for being on Mycophenalate Mofetil (Cell-Cept). I decided not to fight my case as it was all too exhausting.But for young people with this disease and taking drugs that are also used in cancer treatment then they must fight for their free scripts. I will privately e-mail John and Susan re: the lady who provided me with all the info on this type of exemption...she was on Rituximib followed by Cyclophosphamide and was granted free scripts, she mentions that Cell-Cept also falls into the category of drugs mentioned in chapter 8 of the BNF "Malignant disease and immunosuppression"
Personally I feel there are some conditions out there that that enable the sufferer to get free scripts but those conditions have been caused by that person's unhealthy lifestyle.Whilst we with Vasculitis are innocent and need these drugs to survive and hopefully stop the progress of a terminal end. So it is an unfair lottery. I personally am a retired Nursing Sister for the NHS and I am ashamed at the unfairness of this whole business. I won't go on because it upsets me, not for me but for other's struggling with a disease which they will have to live with for the rest of their lives.
Obviously I need this person's permission to send her details to John and Susan but hopefully there is a light at the end of the tunnel. Currently I pay the yearly fee for scripts as I am on quite a number of medications and it would cost an arm and a leg to pay for those tablets every month. I do hope that this message will help you even if you are not at UNI and struggling with script charges...John and Susan will be on to it I am sure. Take care x
I am worried about this, I turn 19 soon and I'm not sure what to do when I have to start paying for my prescriptions, its going to cost so much! Is a yearly cost much cheaper?

yes it is quite a bit cheaper...but still quite a lot considering. I will check.. Sheila might know....