Has anyone diagnosed with microscopic polyangitis received the HPV vaccine? My daughter has microscopic polyangitis and should get the vaccine?
Do you have a similar experience?
Has anyone diagnosed with microscopic polyangitis received the HPV vaccine? My daughter has microscopic polyangitis and should get the vaccine?
Do you have a similar experience?
If that is the vaccination against shingles then yes, I have had it. I have MPA but it gave me no problem. In fact i has those warning signs of wiggly sensations that indicate shingles or herpes but it never developed.
I have mpa vasculitis and i was advised not to have the Shingles vaccine.This was because it is a live vaccine.
Hi, I have GPA and had the HPV vaccine (a few years ago though!). I’d suggest asking your daughter’s specialist about it.
The manufacturer’s leaflet for the vaccine which is given in the UK says it can be given to people who are immunosuppressed however you should check this with your daughter’s doctor. medicines.org.uk/emc/produc...
It’s worth considering it as certain types of HPV (which the vaccine helps create immunity to) are quite closely linked to cervical cancer (and some other cancers), which the vaccine aims to prevent. More info: nhs.uk/conditions/vaccinati...
The vaccine is offered to girls and boys aged 12-25 in the UK.