Hi I take 500mg Mycophenolate twice a day. I have been suffering from tremors, I read that this could be a side effect. Has anyone experienced this? When I spoke to my nurse about it, it seemed to land on deaf ears. All advice very welcomed. Thanks in advance
Tremors and vasculitis/Mycophenolate - Vasculitis UK
Tremors and vasculitis/Mycophenolate
Hi, I take 1g mycophenolate twice a day, have never suffered from tremors, but tiredness/ no energy yes.
My OH is in 1 gram twice a day and has not had these symptoms. Are they recent ? Are you reducing steroids?
I would definitely contact your specialist nurse again and ask to speak with your consultant.
Good luck
HiI am also on 500mg Mycophenolate twice a day. I have been experiencing cramping in my hands and my hands shake uncontrollably sometimes. It’s hopeless because I cannot even use a knife and fork at times. The consultant has given me Quinine Sulphate to help with the cramp which seems to be calming things down. Everyone keeps telling me it’s early days yet so see how it goes.
I definitely experienced hand tremors/shakiness when I started mycophenolate—I was at 1g am and pm. Honestly I had so many of the listed side effects the first few months I was on it. Felt like I was going crazy. My doc was just about to switch me to something else, but about 3 months in my body seemed to adapt. The tremors went away as did the majority of the side effects. Of course a few stayed but definitely much more tolerable. Hope it gets better for you, I know it can seem like a battle every day.