Took my last steroids tablet this morning been on over 2years
I have Anca Vasculitis which hit my kidneys which was at 6% two years ago which I had only days to live.
In total I nearly died twice.
I was on dialysis and plasma at the beginning and chemo tablets which I was very sick with I was only on chemo for three months was suppose to be on six months but it effected my bone marrow and liver in a big way was then put on imuine not sure on spelling Excuse me please put it made me very sick was taken off them after a few weeks I was to see my consultant again was put back on it again which I didn’t understand or heard right I was great that day I took the tablet that night at 8 at 11 that night was very sick next morning I ended up in coronary care which I nearly died my our constant the main one held my hand she promised that it would never happen again they contacted a specialist consultant who Specialised in my illness give me tablet organ rejection medication it worked but the main side effects was skin cancer which I had pre- cancerous on my cheek.
During my illness while on chemo I lost power in my legs I use a sick very bad unsteady on my feet but I never once let my illness get to me never just aways remember forget about it don’t let ur illness get to you find something to keep u going.
The only two things that really bothered me was the you urin bag I didn’t like it I always hid it called it men’s handbag u need a laugh and my memory I have trouble with my memory would aways forget what I was going to do or what someone would tell me something I’d forget after awhile and forgetting people’s names specially people Neighbours I have known all my life.
I would get very upset at times but I have a great doctor,
So when I told my consultant about my memory he told me my illness would of went to my blood vessel in my brain which he told me I have short term memory loss he said the same happens to people who suffer mini strokes.
So now in 16th of March this year my consultant is taking me off all medication for my illness full remission and if illness and in a year time next year no sign off my illness anymore as they said it burns out I’ll get the all clear.
So if u ar as sick I as I was and I was very sick my immune system is very low so I take care I don’t go near sick people don’t go into places where there’s a lot of people and only go to mass when weather is good as that’s the place you will catch something cus people go to mass them coughing sick sneeze’in that is way u if ur immune system is low stay away,
People used to visit first when came back from Hospital she would always get to the door first and if they had a dose or was sick she wouldn’t let them in she told them that my consultants said no visitors in the house if they had a illness.
She aways maked my own dinner first I was on a lot of foods I wasn’t allowed in the beginning I was well looked after at home with Mom my sister and my doctor.
So never give up if I can get better u can too my mobility or great but I never cared not much of a price to pay when I nearly died twice. I wish everyone here peaceful and healthy new year,