I am having double vision for few days in my right eye more in the evening time or after work on electronics. I talked to my rheumy he said i have to wait until my rituxan infusion works. Its my second infusion for GPA. Any suggestions?
Double vision : I am having double vision for... - Vasculitis UK
Double vision

Personally, and this IS just my option, I don't like the sound of this. If it were me, which it isn't, I would get my optician to check this out. I'm temped to say, because your eyes are so important, you can NEVER make too much 'fuss', over them!
Please do prove my fears wrong, I won't 'mind', in the least-in fact I will be delighted.
Hi there
Double vision was the first symptom I had that I couldn't ignore and that after a long time ended up with my diagnosis of Wegener's. I initially went to Moorfields where I had scans to exclude tumours etc as I worked close by and the scans showed swelling/inflammation that was impacting on the optic nerve and causing the double vision. Steroids - prednisolone- reduced the swelling but after about 6 months of trying to reduce the dose (and a lot of pain) without success they referred me to the renal clinic at Hammersmith where I was immediately diagnosed with Wegener's and which was confirmed after biopsy. After 2 infusions of rituximab I was able to come off the steroids gradually and have been in remission (just taking MMF) for about 4 years now so I hope it works for you!
Another reason for double vision,is called 4th nerve palsy,which I have,one eye works differently to the other the cause is unsure,it can be caused by falls,the nerve in the eye is damaged,so if you can't find the reason for your double vision,see your doc and he can tell you all about it