I have Vasculitis GPA
I have my fourth dose of rituximab coming up in a few weeks.
I seem to have a reaction to the pre-meds they give prior to the rituximab infusion. One of the pre-med drugs I believe to be a steroid of some description.
The history so far...
Dose 1 - I was in hospital and already taking steroids (predisnolone) so believe I was not given the same pre-meds if any. I was still a bit delerious at that point so not really 100% sure what was happening.
Dose 2 - About 2 mins after receiving the pre-meds I started retching badly and thinking I was about to vomit. It sort of surprised the infusion nurse who went scurring off for a barf bowl
Dose 3 - I did warn the nurse of the pevious issue so she had a barf bowl to hand Again after 2 mins I started retching badly for about 3-4 minutes but again I did not physically vomit. After that I felt fine.
Dose 4 coming up
After dose 3, the infusion nurse said what they could try, was to mix the steroid up with/give it at a reduced rate alongside the rituximab infusion.
So I guess my question is....
1 Has anyone else had a similar reaction to the pre-meds?
2 Have they tried the suggested mixing the pre-med with the infusion as was suggested to me and was it effective?
My fear is that with having the pre-meds prior to the infusion, the reaction whilst unpleasant for me, and those around me, only lasted a few minutes after which I am absolutely fine. However, will mixing it up make me feel ill for the whole three/four hours of the infusion