Hi all and a premature Merry Christmas. Just had my 3rd Rituximab infusion 3 weeks ago and like last time experiencing some pretty powerful muscle pain. After first infusion it was in my shoulder and neck and this time in my right bicep and tricep. It feels like a cramp. Nothing else to report, no discolouration, lumps bumps etc just really sore. Anybody experienced anything like this?
Has anybody had muscle pain after Rituximab - Vasculitis UK
Has anybody had muscle pain after Rituximab

Merry Christmas. I haven't. I hope it gets better soon.
Hi my OH gets what he describes as “busy legs” uncomfortable but not painful . He gets this after each infusion of RTX.
Happy Christmas to you as well .
Hi investigator I certainly experience this. After my last infusion 4 weeks ago I couldn’t sleep that night. Awful craps & aches in hips & legs. As well as restless legs for a good 2 days.
Hi hope you are recovered in time for christmas I had a relapse of my vasculitis just over a year ago after 8years at that time I had 6 cyclophosphamide infusion along with mycophenolate prednesilone this had a big impact on my body mainly fatigue and weak leg muscle which left me struggling to walk or get out of chair this over the last 8 years has got better but has never really got back to even 90% then a year ago I had the relapse then it was 2 rtx infusions along with higher doses of steroid and mycophenolate this knocked me back I am still trying to recover with the help of pysio with walking muscle building and balance I now pray I never have another relapse so hope you recover soon all the best and have a great Christmas we have got to keep smiling regards john
Thanks John, bless you! And all the others who responded you are all really special people and we need to stick together. Fortunately it’s starting to subside and I can now sleep on both sides. It must be one of the gifts the disease and treatment keeps giving…..never mind onward and upward! To everybody out there who has replied to my posts this year……thank you! You have helped me so much. I wish you all a very merry Christmas and let’s get back together and give it hell next year. I will be raising a glass to you on Christmas Day.