I'm due my 2nd infusion of Rituximab on Tuesday, is it ok for me to go outdoors and mix with people? I'm going stir crazy in the house , my mother is taking me out for an hour each day, for a drive etc. I know not to go near people who are ill, coughs , colds. ( Im a nurse)
I dont know what to expect from this drug!! I feel better as in the joint pain and symptoms are much less but still get extremely tired mid / late afternoon, I know that feeling from my last flare up.
I'm due to be going to Tenerife for 6 days at the end of February, Stupid question but , should I go If I'm feeling ok ? What about insurance? will I get it and not at some horrendous price? Should I take a face mask in case I sit next to someone whose got a cold etc, ( I dont mind looking daft but dont want to scare other passengers)
Mooka, when you say a few weeks to kick in , what do you mean by that? Apart from having a sneezing fit with the infusion and one night of awful abdominal pain, I feel ok!
What kind of things can I expect, is there a common side effect felt by most people. Yes I know we are all different but I need reassurance.
What about work, my colleagues understand I'm ill but how long should I be prepared to be off sick??
Lots of questions, hopefully lots of answers