Could someone explain what is involved with ... - Vasculitis UK

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Could someone explain what is involved with kidney and Skin biopsy. also red spot update.

CathT profile image
7 Replies

Well I saw the vasculitis team last week. The red small spots are vascular so I have to see a dermatologist who will do a biopsy on some. Anyone had this and what do they do, how much do they take? Also having a kidney biopsy can anyone explain what this is and how it is done like? They told me that as I have a range of symptoms that cover vasculitis more than what I should have with unspecified vasculitis, it is not vasculitis! My ANA is positive so lupus in there too. I am so confused and feeling like I'm back to the start of this terrible journey. I attend Addenbrookes so know I'm at one of the best clinics to get sorted but it does not make me feel any better. They are also going to change my med's from Methotrexate and up my pred but won't do it until all my tests are done. On top of all this I am feeling really ill. Any advice or help on any of this would be appreciated.

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CathT profile image
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7 Replies
Albasain profile image

I had a vasculitic rash on my legs and had also developed lower leg ulcers. Two biopsies were taken, one from the ulcerated area and one just outside from unaffected skin. The procedure doesn't cause much pain, a bit like having an injection but they will remove a bit of skin/flesh about 3-5 cells deep (about 3mm). This will be lab tested to determine if vasculitis is present. As for kidney biopsies I do not know the procedure. As it stands biopsies are the best way to determine vasculitis and put together with other indicators is one of the signposts used. Good luck and I hope you get the results you need.

janiculum profile image

Kidney biopsy involves lying very still on your front for about 15 mins while the doctor takes a small piece of kidney with a syringe type plunger. It is not too painful and is over very quickly. once done you lie on your back again still for several hours to stop bleeding. I did not have any after pain. it then gets analyzed to see if Vasculits is present and dosage of meds set accordinly. I have CSS and this experience took place in Churchill hospital Oxford in September 2012. Kidney function has improved a geat deal since. Good Luck.

AndrewT profile image

Dear CathT,

I have had both these procedures- along with loads of 'other stuff' (including a kidney transplant)- so I can probably answer most of your questions!

Firstly the kidney biopsy; You are laid down flat, on your front, and a few 'bites' are taken from your kidney- a bit painful, at times, but not too bad. You are then confined to bed for, as I recall?, about six hours. You are strapped up, quite tightly, making your first steps, when you do get up, rather difficult; fortunately this state of affairs does not last long! You should be home, notwithstanding any 'complications', in about three days- still little sore/tender, it must be said.

Skin biopsy's depend on the area being 'done', as it were, mine was just a small 'bite' that was stitched, with something, that looked a bit like fishing line. I can't guarantee exactly what your will entail sorry. I advise you to ask the consultants, who are dealing with you. The 'red rash' sounds like the one often present in autoimmune conditions, it does have a name but I'm blowed if I can remember it, sorry!

Please feel free to ask me anything further, I will try to answer you- as best I can.

I hope this has been of some help.

Best wishes


Tony-LakeDistrict profile image

although not really painful, I found the feeling of almost alien intrusion most discomforting.

Just keep really still, they should give you something to relax you,

Once over, not a problem.

the change of meds is not something unusual, with vasculitis we are all to some degree Guiney pigs,& finding what is best for you, is what they are doing.

Addenbrookes you couldn`t be at a better place.

being tired & feeling ill is I`m afraid par for the course, try to accept & give in to the tired bit, it`s natural, let the world pass you by, outside the bubble your probably in.

We are all different, I found it helped to develop a taste for whatever comedy I could find, but each to there own

Don`t feel depressed, I promise, this will all become a distant memory

A stiff upper lip is great, but a smile is better


cedric profile image

a kidney biopsie is done as a day case you have to lie on belly then they insert needle and after u have to lie flat 4 7hours then u go home if everythink is ok

AndrewT profile image

Dear Kath, I don't know if you received my reply, or not, some 'funny' message- in my 'in' box. Please do let me know.

Thanks AndrewT

CathT profile image
CathT in reply to AndrewT

Hi, yes got your reply thanks.

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