Leaflet says not to take omeprazole for too long but have never been told to stop.
I have been taking omeprazole for a few year... - Vasculitis UK
I have been taking omeprazole for a few years for heartburn. Now been diagnosed with osteoporosis. Any connection?

Taking omeprazole prevents the body from absorbing the calcium in your diet - it needs to have an acid environment in the gut. In the USA it is recommended omeprazole shouldn't be used for more than short periods because of that. There are other medications that can contribute to osteoporosis, including prednisolone, and omeprazole is often given together with pred to protect your stomach. And, of course, some people develop osteoporosis anyway, there is probably a genetic link there. If you have several risk factors it makes it more likely. So, yes, maybe there is a link if you have been taking it for a very long time but it isn't necessarily so if it is only a few years.
Most doctors do not appear to be aware of the connection though - which always surprises me a bit!
Thanks for info. Stopped takinh omeprazole every day and just taking when I get heartburn. Given calcium and vit d tablets.
Careful - one of the problems with PPIs like omeprazole is what is called "rebound". When you try to stop, the acid production gets worse. I believe reducing slowly can help and using old-fashioned antacid medication like Zantac also improves things. They aren't as bad as PPIs at stopping the calcium absorption. Eating a yoghurt also seems to have a good effect (preferably natural and unsweetened with your own flavouring if you can't do plain!)
Thanks for info. Will try zantac. Love fruit yogurts. Not sure about plain though will try.
They are medications and ALL medications can potentially cause side effects. So even if it's suspected and the odds are very slim... it's not impossible. My niece who only turned 40, developed avascular necrosis of her lower jaw from a heartburn medication, similar side effect to the osteoporosis drug warning. True she over-used them believing they were harmless, but hindsight is always 20/20.
Dear retired1949,
In answer to you actual question, I really don't know, and am not qualified to give you any 'odds'. I am on this medication, along with several others, all of which keep me alive which I, very definitely, wouldn't be without them! So a bit like if you had to saw off your arm to save your life........No question! I am on this drug only once a day, to stop all the other drugs re-acting, with each other, and also my stomach lining. I'm just very, very grateful to be alive, I was given an hour seventeen years ago.... I'm still here! I have had a kidney transplant, last July, which appears to be successful, so far anyway. I have also started at a gym and, admittedly too occasionally, also swim.
I'm hoping that my comments are raising your spirits, a little at least; you know chin up, and all that. By the way I hope that your name, retired1949, means that you are retired and born in 1949- not that you retired in 1949- (if this IS the case then carry on doing whatever you are doing!)
Very best wishes
Ha ha yes born 1949. Good sense of humour. Sorry you have been so ill and hope you feeling better. Spirits raised. Have to go for dexa scan to check bone density. Buying scarves to hide ma wee hump lol
Haha, I have a good sense of humor as well.. so please simmer down and take it easy Andrew T.... I was not trying to go "off topic", quote statistics, or be insensitive as you trying to imply. Honestly speaking, I will admit one of my first CNS vasculitis symptoms was the loss the ability to express myself articulately or clearly, especially in writing. (Sorry to mention my nieces experience with avascular necrosis, and lovely to hear about your kidney outcome!) I personally need a double lung transplant and am happy to say I am still alive many years past what was expected by any statistics. My apologies, just trying to help some.
I too have been diagnosed with osteoporosis. I am 47 years old and got the diagnosis after breaking 4 vertebrae. I have been on high dose steroids and omeprizole and levoxyl. My doctor here in the U.S. said I got it from the prednisone. I was on 60mg. per day for almost a year due to RA, Lupus, Vasculitis and CIDP. I am now down to 10mg. a day. I am going to try Zantac to see if it will help as I am doing all I can for my bones. Breaking my vertebrea was the most horrific pain I have ever had! I don't want it to happen again! Taking Forteo shots, Calcium, magnesium and loads of vitamin D. Exercising a lot as well. Good luck to you!
Dear RareLily,
I've offended you and I certainly didn't mean to SORRY! Sometimes I put my 'fat foot in it', I'm afraid- clearly this was one of these occasions! I can't apologise enough, sorry once again.
Best wishes AndrewT