Still waiting for Rituximab to kick in, but now have a prosthetic piece of silicone to put in the hole in my nose. It really doesn't look too bad but still feels strangely alien!
my latest WG news: Still waiting for Rituximab... - Vasculitis UK
my latest WG news
Hi my nose has collapsed in the middle, my doctor says I can't have anything done to my nose until I've been in remission for at least two years, what's did they do to you I've never Hurd if silicon b4 ?
Hello Louisexx,
The WG made a large hole in the side of my nose. I was diagnosed in October of last year, and was told then that it would probably be at least 18 months before they could do much about my nose. I've been wearing dressings on it for some time, but not now. The prosthesis is filling in the hole and making it look better. I'm due for re-constructive surgery, possibly in November of this year, but only if the Rituximab works well and the WG is quiet enough. Two years in remission sounds a long time to wait for surgery, but every case is different.