Just wanted to ask if anyone with WG smoke as I was forced to stop when got diagnosed but unfortunately started again. I no its bad for you but will it make me worse thanks louise
Does anyone with WG smoke: Just wanted to ask... - Vasculitis UK
Does anyone with WG smoke

Louise, I feel for you as it is very difficult to give up when you have the stress of the disease to cope with, but I really recommend you do as it will help to keep the lungs and other parts of respiratory system more healthy. Also smoking adds to the burden on your kidneys which are probably already struggling with all the meds.
I was also a smoker and gave up about 6 months before diagnosis. I then too found myself smoking again soon after, whether it was the shock and stress or rebellion I don't really know, I only had a few a day but it seemed to help me cope. Very wrong of me though and I have thankfully been smoke free for about 5 years now.
I know from experience that all the advice about how bad it is for you will not work unless you are ready to quit, but when you are ready you might try the NHS help to quit service which is usually done through your local GP surgery.
There is no concrete proof that smoking will make your WG worse, but I'm pretty sure it won't make it any better!
Good luck
Lisa x
Hi Louise,
I was diagnosed with WG in December 2009 and only this February managed to stop smoking, it is very hard. But I can assure you I feel much better for it.
Kind Regards
and good luck
I smoked 40 a day when I was diagnosed and it took me a couple of years to kick the habit but i'm so glad I did as I've since had quite serious lung problems and hate to think how much worse it would have been if I'd still been on the fags! I went to a stop smoking group which I think helped enormously as it added some competition into the process (I also chewed nicotine gum constantly for 6 months) so, when you're ready, use all and any available help that works for you. Good luck, Charlotte x
I gave up in April this year on the advise of my consultant. Whilst PAN spares the lungs, it does not spare the medium coronory blood vessels. I'd smoked for 20+ years at 20+ a day, it wasn't at all easy but you will notice a difference I'm sure.
I stopped many years before my WG (ENT/lung involvement) appeared and have been told but my respiratory specialist at Addenbrookes has told me that had I never smoked I'd now have more capacity than I currently have. I appreciate it can be hard to stop but it's not as if it's impossible. As the advert says, 'You know it makes sense...'
Healthy wishes.