Has anyone been in this forum been given a Belatacept Infusion to replace their Tacrolimas of Cyclosporine? If so what are your thoughts?
Belatacept Infusion: Has anyone been in... - Kidney Transplant...
Belatacept Infusion
Yes, I am on Belatacept. I’m only 14 1/2 post transplant, but I’ve been getting the infusions since about a week or so after transplant. My body was rejecting the Tacro, Envarsus & Prograf. They put me on Cyclosporine the last few days I was in the hospital, but it wasn’t strong enough and my creatinine wouldn’t go down. I had to do Thymoglobulin treatments to lower my immune system even more. When insurance approved Belatacept, they started me on it. I have now had 6 doses. I’m in the monthly maintenance phase now. I haven’t had many issues with it at all. A headache for a few days after, but other than that I get more side effects from the prednisone than anything else. I’m finally down to my 5 mg a day maintenance dose, but I’d rather be off steroids.
What are your concerns with Belatacept? Have you started it yet?
Not sure I have any concerns. I have had a problem with Tacrolimus causing TMA and my creatinine is higher than I would like. They have moved me to Cyclosporine but it did not lower my creatinine. They have been discussing Belatacept was wondering if this did lower your creatinine.