I have just been put on the transplant list and am struggling with how to tell my employer as they don't know I have kidney failure, any ideas?
Telling work about my transplant - Kidney Transplant...
Telling work about my transplant

Hi there, this took me back to 2008 when I was in the same situation. For me it was important to keep things private, I didn't want everyone to know and ask me about it, I'm quite a private person and wanted to carry on as normal as much as possible. I asked to see my manager and told her, and also told her about my desire to keep things private. She was great, and it was a relief to tell her. I was managing a small team at the time, I got them together and told them and said if a call ever came through that they should get to me quickly. My PA told me very strongly that I had to be better at telling him where the hell I was! Everyone was so incredibly understanding about just knowing, but then leaving it out of the workplace, it worked exactly how I hoped. I'm the sort of person who doesn't really like to talk about things like this outside my very close family, I don't like sympathy I prefer to get on with things so I am possibly a bit weird. Anyway, I think you do need to tell your manager in confidence, any good manager will be professional and if you do get the call when you are at work you won't want to stop and explain then. I wish you good luck with that and everything in your future.
I agree with the reply from maturestudent- tell your immediate boss but ask them to be discreet and only let the people that need to know eg your HR dept. maybe - in confidence.
The worst thing that you can do, in my experience, is to keep it to yourself- after all if you do have a transplant or need renal therapy your employer is going to find out anyway.
Best wishes for the future.
i'm a male 29 years old , blood A , no drugs no alcohol & no smoke .....
if any ask my kidney , i would be happy
You need to let them now. You will get to a stage where you can't hide it and then how would it be? Tell them all about it and if you want them to be dicreet with regard to other emloyees I don't see that being a problem.
..that should be "know"....oops!