I have been reading through old posts/blogs and came across a mention of endocrine disruptors I looked this up in wiki and it mentioned one being; Bisphenol A (BPA) which it says is used in dental fillings . . . OMG . . I remember going to the dentist for a replacement filling He drilled out some of the old amalgum filling (no precautions) and replaced with the new white composite stuff, This was my first composite one and I was happy to have it. A day or two later I felt quite ill, and I wrote to The British Dental Health Foundation (BDHF) on 29 January 2013 . . .
Dear Sirs,
I have been going to my latest nhs dentist for seven years, I have had no allergic reactions from my amalgum fillings since having them approximatley 48 years ago, but two weeks ago I went to have a filling replaced as half had fallen out.It was replaced with a composite one (I wasn't asked or informed that they were doing this) and I discovered when I got home that half the amalgum filling was still there.
Soon after this I have become very ill: my whole body has reacted with odema, feeling sick, sore throat. swollen tongue, raised pulse and a temperature, all symptoms still ongoing.
Is it possible that I have an alergic reaction from the composite or could the composite be reacting with the amalgum filling giving me these symptoms ?
I would be releived if you could get back to me on this soon. . . . .
THE REPLY: . . .
Thank you for contacting the Dental Helpline, run by the British Dental Health Foundation.
Although it is not a common occurance it is possile that some people are senaitive or even allergic to materials used in any dental product including composite fillings. The only way to find this out would be to have allergy tests or
have the filling removed therefore elliminating the problem. We would suggest speaking to your dentist to discuss options available. Also look at the product information to help decide what materials are contained in the filling
material which could narrow allergy testing to those. The composite is not known to react with the amalgam fillings used on a regular basis.
You may aslo wish to investigate if you have any other allergies that you may suffer from. Assess whether you have come into contact with any of these materials at the time of your dental care. Think about any other possibilities
that may have caused your reaction at the same time as your treatment.
If you and your dentist agree that something dental is the cause of your sickness you could be referred to an oral surgery department to be reviewed by a consultatnt who could then advise for future care and reference.
Please do not hesitate to contact should you require any further information. Should you wish to speak to a Dental Advisor, please contact us on our local rate number 0845 063 1188 . We’re open Monday – Friday 9am – 5pm.
Kind regards
. . . . I didn't do follow up as I felt so bad and thought it was just a coincidence as surely I would have had an almost immediate reaction.
Looking back now, could this be the start of my thyroid problem ?
Should I have the filling removed?
Or should I just get allergy test first?
Have I left it too late?
I suppose the only way to know is to take it out and see if my sore tongue and throat go, but what to replace with?
NB: Please see my next two questions in relation to this. Thanks