Help please blood result I have requested these... - Thyroid UK

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Help please blood result I have requested these by writing hospital refusing their result these are gps

Lilypie profile image
7 Replies

Tsh (0.5-3.9) 0.45

Free thyroxine (10-19) 18

Taken on the 19/10/12 on 100mcg

Taken 20/1/11 100mcg

Tsh(0.5-3.9) 0.1

Free thyroxine (10-19) 24

Free t3(3.3-5.2) 5.33

I have a meeting with both go and now endorse following my request?

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Lilypie profile image
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7 Replies
Moggie profile image

My hosp tried to refuse my results two weeks ago until I read them the riot act. By law, under the freedom of information act, they cannot refuse you your results.

I don't understand the last line of your question - properly me and the bad brain fog I have at the moment so could you explain.

Moggie x

Lilypie profile image
Lilypie in reply to Moggie

Hi sorry predictive text or my brain fog any way should read I had a meeting arranged with gp and all of a sudden I can't get my results from either the hospital or gp specific to the lab work done at hospital they have provided me with gp tests only. I then got an appointment out of the blue being discharged last March from endo I had only phoned for results once I had visited this forum. I am now informed in the letter these results are so complicated they need to go through them with me. That is why I posted what I had from gp as I don't understand the lab work and I want to ask the right questions.

I had been given very high dose of vit d for 3 months but did not have blood work first and became very ill prehaps it's that.

Would be really grateful if results show anything . Thanks


Moggie profile image

The bloods you have posted are six months old so may not be anything like your latest results so unfortunately you might have to wait until you see either your GP or endo. Are you still on 100mcg's of levo or has that changed? And can you tell us what bloods were ordered on your latest tests - was it just thyroid tests or others as well?

Cant understand why they gave you VitD supplements but did not do bloods first. Are you sure no bloods were done before the high dose supplements - could you have had bloods done a few months before and no one told you that you were low in VitD? How did they make you ill?

Sorry for all the questions but the more info you can give people on here to go on the more helpful their advise will be.

Moggie x

Lilypie profile image
Lilypie in reply to Moggie

Sorry if I did not give enough info. I felt so ill I requested bloods and a quicker appointment to endo they said vit d low so advised gp to give me 10,000 is it units? Daily for 3 months no follow up bloods and I did not know to ask for them. The vit d came from france with French instructions chemist said no problem and he did mot have them in english so both gp and chemist did not know what exactly happened on them or how strong the bottle was or how many drops I should take so they guessed. After 10 weeks could not breath get up stairs felt like I would die out of hours gp only said I must have bought the vit d privately as it would not be available on nhs in this strength and it was go away as it was not an emergency appointment thing although I did say could it be the vit d .

Unfortunately I was toxic came off that night within a week better but severe hypo symptoms. I then realised that vit d had been the making the problems much much worse I think calcium out of sink.

I have also taken 2 blood pressure pills and omprezole for stomach at the same time as Levo washed down with a milk coffee and breakfast. At the time these blood results taken I was suffering dry skin swollen face weight gain severe breathlessness and joint pain so bad they gave me arthritis meds to no effect. Lost my job as I could not read concentrate or understand complex discussions tearful and low.

After no joy with gp i decided to come off omeprazole and blood pressure tabs and pain in joints and muscles almost gone . Changed my levo back to one i took 2 years ago. Now taking meds properly after reading this site but still have symptoms but not as severe as before.

I have been on 100mcg through out this the two results I have are before the problem and after I stopped the vit d for 6 weeks. I was also on activis and now mercury pharma as I could not tolerate something in activis.

Sorry for the long reply but it has not been an easy ride this last two years.


Moggie profile image

Hi Lily,

Sorry I haven't replied before but I have no internet access at home so have to wait until I'm at work to catch up.

It looks like, between your GP and the pharmacist, you have really been messed about. If you were on 10,000iu a day for 3 months, although this is a high dose, its not unheard of, but I think the problem could be that you don't know any of your results and why they put you on them in the first place. Yes you must have been low, but how low? and yes you are right it would have effected your calcium levels so these will definitely need checking.

I think you have done the right thing by changing med timings so that it is nowhere near food or drink and it seems that you have also done the right thing, pain wise, by stopping other meds, although please mention what you have stopped to both your GP and endo.

I think you are just going to have to wait and see what the endo or GP says about your latest results and please, when you go, get copies. Don't take no for an answer, offer to pay the £10, as it would be worth it to actually see your results (although whenever I have done this they haven't taken the money) and if they are still saying no tell them that under the freedom of information act they cannot refuse to give you a copy. State that you will be putting your request in writing and will take the matter further if the results are not forth coming.

Hopefully now that you have sorted your levo out you might start to feel a bit better and please do let us know why the endo has called you back and what the outcome is.

Moggie x

Lilypie profile image
Lilypie in reply to Moggie

Thanks for the info will let you all know after the 16/4 I have a letter ready should they refuse again.


Moggie profile image

Well done you - get a copy of the letter done and also give it into the PALS dept of the hosp (patient liaison service) who have helped me out more than once when I have had a problem with the hosp. Maybe you might want to put a c.c. at the bottom of the letter so that the consultant knows it is also going to pals.

Moggie x

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