Thyroid UK has been approached by a high profile magazine for a case study of someone who has got well. This would raise the profile of not only Thyroid UK but also of the problems we face, especially as she doesn't mind what treatment you got well on ie it could be levothyroxine, T3 or natural thyroid hormone.
If you would be willing to speak to the journalist and have your photo taken in a studio having had hair and makup done (such hardship!), please contact us on 01255 820407 or as soon as possible. There are criteria, though, see below:
• Age: early to mid 30’s
• Battled to get a diagnosis
• Had an effect on your family/life
The interview will be done over the telephone and they would like you to send a photograph to them.
Do please get in touch immediately if you fit the criteria. They need someone as soon as possible!
Lyn Mynott