Have suffered with this disabilitating illness for fifteen years now, probably longer but diagnosed. Have been on thyroxine, all that time and never felt much better, but have just struggled on as have been told by my doctor on numerous times my levels are normal, normal what the hell does that mean because I certainly do not feel normal by any means ! I saw a specialist early on because taking the thyroxine was also making me feel extremely unwell and certainly not well and was told by him that he was fed with gps sending patients like me to see him , and to just take the medicine gradually and not to complain, basically so I certainly did not want to see him again. After years of not feeling well my doctor did decide to prescribe Armour for me I was delighted however that unfortunately did not work out about 10 days after taking it , my doctor said stop taking thyroxine one day and take the armour the next, I was on 100mcg thyroxine and she prescribed 1/2 grain of armour equivalent to 50mcg of thyroxine I have since found out. I suddenly devoloped extreme panic attacks , i thought I was going to die ! So I decided th ditch the armour and go back to my other medication but I could not take 100mcg straight away so decided to gradually take it that was nine months ago and I am still trying to get back to 100mcg, I am experiencing extreme shakiness in my body, when i even take the dog out for just 20 mins my legs feel like jelly , my head feel very strange and I feel dizzy, i am very conscious of my heart beating feels quite fast but not to the extreme, basically I don't know what to do, i am persevering with getting back to 100mcg but I feel I am suffering with hyper symptoms now. I have never had my t3 levels tested and apparently they don't do it on the nhs. I have heard that if your adrenals aren't working properly the thyroxine you are taking is not being used as it should , I don't know i am so confused now I feel like crying all day long because I don' see anyway out of this complete nightmare.
Any help would be extremely appreciated does anyone know who DR B is would be very interested in her contact details.