One if the side effect of being hyperactive..
Anyone suffering with 'geographic tongue' ? - Thyroid UK
Anyone suffering with 'geographic tongue' ?
I have what I'm told by my doctor is probably geographic tongue.
I get patches where the taste buds don't seem to grow and these patches change in size. Outside these patches, my tongue often looks coated. Sometimes there are cracks in the bare patches and then it can get quite sore and heat sensitive.
I think this is either a vitamin deficiency, maybe vitamins B2 or B3, or possibly some bizarre side effect of a yeast infection. It was treated as oral thrush to start with but the swabs came back negative. Nevertheless, the antifungals really helped and almost cleared it up. Unfortunately because of the negative swab I was not allowed to continue on the antifungals to see if it would have gone away completely. Taking B vitamins seemed to improve things too, and I read that vitamins B2 and B3 are also associated with a sore/cracked tongue.
I'm not hyper but I think this is digestive problem rather than a thyroid problem. Of course thyroid problems and digestive problems can often be found together.
Thanks Poing for answering me. Do you have any good tips to share here to help us getting better please? I haven't tried any antifungals yet, did you get them through your GP?
Yes, the antifungals were prescribed because it really did look like it might be oral thrush... my doctor says not on the basis of the negative oral swab but I am not entirely convinced. I also tried an over the counter prepration initially - Dactarin Gel - but that didn't help as much.
One thing I forgot to say was that my tongue gets much, much worse when I eat gluten. I am gluten intolerant as my digestive system also acts up when I eat stuff containing gluten. However, the tongue problem didn't start up until about nine months after I quit eating gluten, so it's not the only factor.
Geograhic tongue is complex, and I think it reflects digestive inflammation. However, there are many, many things that can cause digestive inflammation, and they could be different in different people. I believe that gluten and yeast are my tiggers. Yours could be different.
I have a geographic tongue but I had it long before I became hyper. I'm not sure it's related.
I was told that i have a geographical tongue years before I was diagnosed with hypothyroidism.Doctor reckons i was 'born with it" and that some people just have it.
Hi Janjan and thanks for replying to my question. Could you tell me how you deal with it or what you do to help with the pain please? I was told to take B12 supplement but it doesn't work. I also tried sage tea. Sometimes it is so bad that I bleed. I read lots about it on the net and it seems very difficult to find a solution.
I don't have problems with my geographical tongue like you do, but the dentist sent me to see a specialist who did loads of tests incase i had thrush as well. All tests were fine.My tongue just looks odd! I would see a dentist, as they know a lot about this and could help with treatment.Apparently in Chinese medicine, deep cracks suddenly appearing in an older person's tongue could show something significant to them about their energy (you'd need to see an acupuncturist!), but because my tongue has always had cracks nobody seems concerned.I hope you get it sorted.
I have no pain, it's barely visible so I never sought for any cure. I had completely forgotten I had one until I saw your post. It's my tongue and I guess I was born like this - my father has the same geo tongue. Are your Frence Cécile? I am.
I would show my tongue to a dentist and not a GP btw in your case.
One of the problems with sore red tongues is due to a vitamin B6 deficiency and is common to thyroid disorders.
Hi Cécile,
I grew-up in the south-east of France and then I moved to Paris after le baccalauréat and stayed there for... 18 years before moving to Belgium and then Kent. And you?
Greenginger always gives excellent pieces of advice, you should try B6.
I'm from North East of France and came here 16 years ago..I've tried B6 and also multivitamins, not much of improvement over that 8 years really..I've always been sensitive to acid food even when I was a kid (like fresh tomatoes) and my kids are the same sometimes. I've read on that French website that geographic tongue is genetic! I'll dig up the link soon..
I have and Im an underactive.
Most of my tongues lining has now been removed due to my stomach acid and prolonged bouts of vomiting. Theyre is also a cause of geographic tongue.
Hi I had geographical tounge was told it was due
To low ferritin took iron 2 x day gone within a couple
Of weeks!!
Geographic tongue has also been seen more frequently in people with psoriasis and in those with fissured tongue. In fissured tongue, cracks and grooves appear on the tops and sides of the tongue. A deep crack can also appear in the centre of the tongue running all along it.
eeing a dentist or doctor is the best way to rule out a more serious problem. In most cases, he or she can diagnose geographic tongue from a description of your symptoms and from examining your mouth and tongue. You may need tests to rule out other medical conditions.
In most cases, any pain or discomfort will get better without treatment. But if you have severe, ongoing pain, medication can help. These are examples of what your doctor or dentist may prescribe:
Over-the-counter pain relievers
Mouth rinses with anesthetic
Corticosteroids applied directly on the tongue
Zinc supplements
If you're wondering about steps you can take to hasten the relief of symptoms, try limiting these substances or avoid them altogether:
Hot, spicy, or acidic foods or dried, salty nuts
Toothpaste with additives, whitening agents, or heavy flavoring (toothpaste for sensitive teeth is a better choice)
This site may help you out.