any success stories? would be interested in anyone who's been on a lot of medication t4 and t3 who is now t3 only and improved
T3 only: any success stories? would be interested... - Thyroid UK
T3 only

Sorry that nobody has answered you yet but you might need to ask a specific question as your request for success stories might be putting people off of answering. Being on T3 is a long journey and can have a lot of up's and down's so people's stories can be long and complicated so they wouldn't necessarily put them in an answer to a question they would normal blog in stages.
Hope that makes sense.
Moggie x
I'm on T3 only, not 100% yet but considerably better. This has taken quite a long time though with hiccups along the way. Changes have been made to my diet and that's helped.
It's fantastic to have lost my brain fog and have now felt well enough to make formal complaints against the NHS!!

good to hear not sure my endo will back me we will see as hes not prepared to do a rt3 test x
Hi there,
I am now taking T3 meds only. Total dosage 75mcgs daily split over three doses. My thyroxine dosage was 176 - 200mcg. Like cinnamon girl, I feel much better. Still some issues to be sorted out such as low cortisol, ongoing vit D3 issues, anaemia. Overall, much better though. Look up ref for Paul Robson's book he is quite an expert. He can be found here on this site or Facebook.
My initial 1 grain of NDT was a revelation but this tailed off and I increased to 4 grains per day. Then I could not get NDT and went on levothyroxine - which made me really sick and I put on 21lbs in weight over 12 weeks. NDT then stopped working for me and I was up to 7 grains per day. I think that I had developed a conversion issue and had too much T4 in my blood. I had started to suffer with pains all over my body and in my joints. Then I saw Dr P who put me on T3 and adrenal support. I flet better and have been increasing my T3 until I am now on 120mcg per day, mostly taken last thing at night. I feel much, much better but may have to try a slight increase. I check my bp, pulse and temperature regularly to make sure that I am not overdosing.
My GP is a bit worried about the dosage but then she does not understand about T3. (I have lent her Dr P's book and copied various articles by Dr Lowe.) She is worried about my heart and bone density. I agreed to a scan for both but am not personally worried at all as I feel fine. (I cannot see that a bone density scan would show if T3 is lessening this as, unless I could also have myself as a control subject, there is no way of comparing me on T3 and me not on T3.)
Loss of bone density if, of course, not good but then I do not believe that T3 causes this nor would I trade bone density for feeling absolutely rubbish for the rest of my life.
T3 is working for me now and I hope that it will continue to do so.
best wishes
hi that's very helpful will print off and show my endo i'm on a very high does
200mcg T4
40mcg T3
1 grain Armour
fell yuk
Hi Penny!
I am also on T3 after being on T4 only for many years and then Armour for a while which I didn't feel well on.
I am up to 62.5mcg daily and not improving very much at the moment but I have read that for people over 50 years of age we shouldn't go up more than that. have you heard of this .... and is it because of bone density issues post menopausal??
Hi Brenda, I've not heard of the over 50s bit. Dr Lowe was well over 50 and he was on a very high dose of T3. (I am also over 50 but not admitting it.)
Hi Bossbird,
Yes, I've been on T3 only for some time (having tried T4, T4&T3, Armour & T4, Armour) and it is the only medication which works for me - I'm now able to undertake 8-10 mile walks again which is a long way from how it was before! 100-110mcg in 5 doses suits me and 120mcg in winter. (I'm 63!)
So, yes, a success story for me!