Well, I had my appointment today with the Consultant Endocrinologist, a lovely man who put me at ease immediately.
He asked me loads of questions about my symptoms etc, reviewed my recent scan and booked me in for an Isotope scan and biopsy and said that when I get the results I will see the Endo Surgeon to decide what needs to be done about my goitre (it was probably a good day to see him today as I have multiple swollen glands due to my recent throat infection and he said as they are all soft he is not worried about them) He also wanted another T3 & T4 reading (he said the last readings were no cause for alarm?) so I had a blood test and he said he will contact me within a few days IF the readings warrant any medication and if they do, he will start me on 10mg of Carbimazole. I can't believe that I can feel so bad and yet might not even need medication? Just wondered what the group thinks? Caz