Just back from Parliament, knees like jelly. - Thyroid UK

Thyroid UK

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Just back from Parliament, knees like jelly.

62 Replies

Hello my fellow warriors and thanks for all the interest in the petition.

Firstly, we are kicking ourselves for the things we didn't say. The problem leading to that was, prior to today we were allowed to submit further evidence to support our argument. This we did, a comprehensive selection of current clinical papers and research. However, a few days ago, the clerk telephoned me to say that as this petition already was of a rather technical medical nature, it would simply overwhelm the members and may detract from the core message. He strongly advised leaving it out. My feeling was, it was unfair of us to then quote extensively from papers they didn't have in front of them but he said these papers could be examined in further evidence sessions which he believed likey to happen.

Anyhoo, Sandra and I sat for hours lastnight in our hotel trying to think of ways to say all this, minus the technical stuff. We managed it, but it sounded crappola. It was dry, lacked impact and personality and we ripped it up this morning, banking on getting a result today and the chance to submit the further evidence then. And so it worked. The members have agreed to set up a working group to look deeper in to the issues. What impressed me hugely was the comment from msp Jackson Carlaw. When the convener suggested writing to, among others, the RCP and GMC, Mr Carlaw said it seemed pointless writing to the very people who we complain of, as their stance is unmovable and hence the problem.

So, we have hope. They will be writing to Thyroid Uk to ask for the research they hold and also contacting the writers of papers we linked to, as far afield as Sweden and America and as local as Yorkshire. You have no idea how nerve wracking it is when you know your brain is apt to empty for whole swathes of time. I named Dr Skinner and the situation with the GMC and was told it was best not to name any more names. Still, it had to be said.

Hope we didn't let you down too badly, it was our first attempt at anything like this but won't be our last. xxxxxxxx

62 Replies
nobodysdriving profile image

thank you and WELL DONE, you are 'our heros' !!! xxxxx

Let us down!!?? Are you mad!? You were both amazing! :-)



shaws profile image

I haven't yet seen the video but hope to view it shortly.

Well done.

RedApple profile image

A huge heartfelt 'thank you' to all involved for getting this far. Hoping to watch online just as soon as it's available.

Info from Helvella for anyone who missed the debate! :-)

Have a look here:


On the main Scottish Parliament TV page it says:

Archive Video

Footage of plenary and committee meetings are available on the site for a month, and will be available within 24 hours of the close of the meeting.


I interpret that as saying by this time tomorrow (6th February 2013) the video of the committee meeting will be available and should be on the first link above. And will be there for a month.

You guys are doing wonderful work for us all.Thank you so much.I'm sure you said all the right things!

lynmynott profile image
lynmynottPartnerThyroid UK

You were amazing and, honestly, your nerves did not show AT ALL! :-) I, too, was extremely impressed by Jackson Garlaw! What an insightful man! :-) Louise and I were jumping up and down (well Louise was mentally as she's done her back in!) at various points. :-)

Yes, a huge, huge, thank you - you are so brave to do this! :-) Lyn x

Hiphypo profile image

Well done - look forward to seeing the tape as soon as it is out.

Clarebear profile image

Well done lala et al - can't wait to see the recording :) xxxx

PinkNinja profile image

Brilliant! You have done a superb job! Well done and thank you :)

Chippysue profile image

Well done! cannot wait to see it, thank you :-)

nostoneunturned profile image

Thank you so much for your intensely hard preparation work and presentation of the petition on behalf of all those suffering people out there. You have all been very brave. Thank you so much.

PR4NOW profile image

I would like to add my appreciation for what you are doing. PR

mushroom13 profile image

Thankyou so much for what you are doing!:) From a newly diagnosed sufferer x

laladrew & all of you..THANK YOUS AMAZING. Have registered today. What you have been through sounds barbaric.

Some R & R so well deserved. Have been wobbly with admiration and anticipation since hearing about your petition. Will watch tomorrow.


Laine profile image




Well done! - can't wait to see the video! with thanks, Jane :D

merissa profile image
merissa in reply to

Thank you soo much for representing us, you are stars,

greatly appreciated

love to you all


Thankyou each and every one of you! :-) It made all the difference knowing you were all behind us, rooting for us. I really hope and pray this leads somewhere and I get the chance to say what was left out. We deserve this people xx

twinks profile image
twinks in reply to

Well done, well done, thank you from bottom of my heart for fighting and representing us x x

Thank you so much - it must have been quite a daunting experience for you.

Well done!

ourida55 profile image

I must speak for the first time since I found this site about 2 mths ago... Im in the process of changing my meds from T4 only to T3 and did the same thing 5yrs ago with the same endo and after one attempt he said there was no difference in me taking T3 and put me back on T4 which I have been on for the pas 28 yrs with years of suffering many symptoms and severe depression lasting years and everything getting so much worse I was sent to my present endo 5yrs ago and its just been a complete waste of time until I went 2mths ago asking to get a second opinion and spoke to a woman doctor initially telling her all I had learned on this site about hypothyroidism and after a while she brought in my original endo who, after telling him how I felt and that I wanted to try T3 again, he unwittingly agreed to try it again but he was adamant that it wasnt going to work and it was my complicated depression that was causing all my symptoms, which I have for many years felt there was more to my illness than depression.

Anyway, sorry for rambling but this news about the petition you have worked so hard for, really has given me so much hope, when none was ever to be found in any doctors surgery as I was always made to believe it must be my long term depressive state that I was suffering from and only Thyroxene was given for an underractive thyroid as it should be converting to T3 as previous tests had proved... over my dead body!...Im determined now to get to the bottom of my very debilitating illness, which has cost me my job and my confidence aswell as having no social life as always feeling too tired, but never late at night...as I should do!

Just want to thank you immensely for all your dedication to your fellow sufferers.I hope the outcome will be a positive one for all concerned. Well done!!

Take care

Sylv x

Dannia profile image

Thank you so much for giving all of us who are suffering, and who will no doubt suffer in the future some hope, it can has to change and people like you ladies will make it happen!

Shona64 profile image

Thank you so much. Your hard work is appreciated :-) xx

babycatcher7572 profile image

Amazing stuff both...well done and of course you havent let us down....quite the opposite! xxxx

ElaineMay profile image

Thank you so much for doing this. I will be watching the video once it is available. I sent a link to the background to your petition to my doctor. He is very helpful but although he has tried very hard he cannot get anyone to do a T3 test for me. As I live in Scotland this may well change, all because of your efforts, courage and determination. Thank you again and again.

Elaine x

in reply toElaineMay

Elaine, if you live near Glasgow, message me as I know a brilliant endo who may be able to help you.

ElaineMay profile image
ElaineMay in reply to

Unfortunately I live in Angus, way up the East Coast. I get too tired these days to travel distances! I watched the video and both of you were so professional in what you said. I was so proud of you both and I hope that you are proud of yourselves as well. I have high hopes as the MSP's seemed to listen to what was being said.

lizzie1 profile image

Thank you so much. It really is appreciated.

sallyb profile image

Winston Churchill spoke many words of wisdom and here are just a few.

"If you have an important point to make, don't try to be subtle or clever. Use the pile driver. Hit the point once. Then come back and hit it again. Then hit it a third time; a tremendous whack."


"The truth is incontrovertible. Malice may attack it and ignorance may deride it, but in the end, there it is."

Thank you for both for your incredible achievements. The walls of Jericho came down as did the Berlin wall and this one will too.


in reply tosallyb

LOVE these quotes Sally! ;-)

in reply to

and of course he had his 'black dog' moments classed as 'depression'

slept 3 hours a night

and was a bit tubby, and suffered from post traumatic stress (various wars)

but was one of the greatest British heroes of our time, saving us from a Nazi fascist state, but and was outvoted out of office after, and died when I was six, with full honours of state.

Nevertheless, I wonder what made him so strong.

hugs Jane x

in reply to

I was asked to do a talk at my GP surgery to some medical students -about hypothyroidism!! One of them told me that Winston Churchill did suffer from hypothyroidism.

helvella profile image
helvellaAdministrator in reply to

As did Prime Minister Edward Heath and President John F Kennedy.

President George Bush and Barbara his wife had hyperthyroidism.

And Nadezhda Konstantinovna "Nadya" Krupskaya - wife of Lenin - had Graves'.

Fascinating to consider what impact thyroid disorders may have had on the world.

in reply tohelvella

And now Hilary Clinton! I believe JF went on to suffer from Addison's.Yes, I wonder how many high profile people are as yet undiagnosed.

hymermad profile image

Thank you for speaking up for thousands of sufferers.

boing profile image

Brilliant job! What guts and determination. We are all so grateful

JemBron profile image

Fantastic job - and thank you!

graeme profile image

Thank you.

LouiseRoberts profile image

Can watch here:




Kangagirl profile image

Thank you so so much - so brave, you sounded fantastic and certainly didn't let anybody down, quite the reverse. THANK YOU!!!

Kanga xx

nightingale-56 profile image

So well done both of you - no nerves showed at all even if you felt nervous.

ellarose1234 profile image

Wow amazing! Brilliant fantastic! Thank you so much

shambles profile image

Well done ladies!

Erin Brockovich my favourite book/film.

Look forward to more and thank you for putting yourselves up there.

Clarebear profile image

Wow - amazing stuff lala - Thank you SO much for doing this. xxxx

Aw shucks guys :-) Such lovely comments. We are just so very proud to be Scottish. It's the gift the parliament gave, of allowing us to be heard, however briefly. I'm sure that the not being heard is making our health worse. I am just so baffled that this situation is still going on, in 21st century medicine. But maybe there's a chink of light shining now.

Clarebear profile image
Clarebear in reply to

Wish I was Scottish - I think that there might be an Elliott clan tartan out there some where. Went to my first Burn's night 2 weeks ago :) xx

in reply to

My husband is Scottish and my brother in law in Glasgow has had a thyroidectomy and is just beginning on thyroxine, having been taken OFF T3 because he has finished RAI treatment!!! I am watching him closely.I will show him the video! xx

merissa profile image
merissa in reply to

La la had to comment, didnt no you was scottish, my friend, i cried listening to the vidio, it gave me hope and encouragment. you are both truly legends.


again xxx

Heloise profile image

I cannot imagine going through what you have been through. If you are needing more ammunitioln to debate I was thinking of this. If I still had symptoms, but my blood tests were within range, they should be compelled to allow me to get to the TOP of range (or bottom of range for TSH) before they have the right to deny increasing any dosage. It may not work but it points out the deliberate manipulation to keep the patient symptomatic.

Totally brilliant - heartfelt thanks/



katey profile image

Dear Sandra and Lorraine, I just watched most of the video. I felt very moved watching you both and hearing your stories...and very proud that you have had the stamina and courage to do this. An awesome achievement. Your campaigning is sooo necessary, and I feel very grateful to you for doing this. I am so very surprised that you feel you may have let us down!!!! Oh! The opposite couldn't be more true! You are warriors in our cause. And great to put a face to the names. Thank you, a wonderful contribution for the case for change. And such a powerful thing to do, such a contradiction to all the years you (and all the rest of us) have spent banging heads on brick walls. Much love from the south of england! xx

momofthree profile image

excellent presentation,your famlieys and friends must be very proud of you,as are we,thankyou so very much for letting our voices be heard.big hugs all round.

Hiphypo profile image

You were both totally fantastic - and yes, it made me proud of Scotland's Parliament - just across town from me. If I'd known about this you would have been more than welcome to stay with me. Thank you both so very much.

RoloHibbs profile image

Watched the video and am full of admiration - I was in tears at one point as there were so many similarities in our stories. Thank you both so much - there are far too many of us suffering needlessly. Thanks.

mel848pink profile image

You did brillantly.No delays in answering the questions from the msps.I thought it was funny how the msp said twice has it not been done in other countries I ddon"t know if they wanted that to compare or to get praised for the first country to do something.I am from scotland but i am english.I have just had a change to my annual test that it was high in the t.s.h of 4.4 and to get a chck again in two months which is mid march.Thanks to you and Sandra for being brave and facing the battle head on.You are stars.x

SandraW profile image

OMG, I want to give you both a big hug! Wow, you were both amazing. I've also sent the link to my GP.

Well Done ladies.


Chippysue profile image

I want to watch the video again! it beats Saturday night tv so will watch it again later when I show friends and family.

I just think that you were both FANTASTIC, I echo what everyone else has said.

I thought it was so powerful, you could not have been better in my view!

So many of us have suffered and it is such an emotional subject for us all. Slowly but surely we will get the treatment that we deserve.

Thank you Sandra and Lorraine - you were brilliant!

Next time I am in Glasgow I would love to meet you for a coffee.



JennyRay profile image

What amazing work. Thank you so much . I have sent a message to the Scottish Parliament.

Kezzerb profile image

Only just seen this. If I had seen it sooner I would of replied earlier. I admire you all such courage. Thank you for speaking out for all of us that sufferer.

I would love to send a letter but I just don't know what to write.

Bless you all

in reply toKezzerb

Thankyou Kezzerb. There will be time to write later. About mid March the Scottish Parliament Petitions Committee site will be open for comments. Maybe you will want to write something then. I will let you know nearer the time and include the website link. x

Kezzerb profile image
Kezzerb in reply to

Thank I look forward to hearing from you xx

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