I won't go into my whole history as it's too long. I haven't been on here much for a while, due to feeling much better and finally being able to live a full and busy life for a bit.
I've been on 50mcg of T4 for a few years, anyway this wasn't working, diagnosed with CFS/Fibro etc. After lots of pushing and perseverance managed to get the endo to see I had an issue and he suggested I might have a reverse T3 problem, so prescribed T3 for me at 5mcg(1/2 a tablet each morning) along with my T4. I take my T4 at night and T3 in the morning.
There was an amazing difference and I couldn't believe how well I felt. However, I think I made a mistake but doing too much too soon, especially as I started running 5k everyday again. I started to feel the familiar ache and some tiredness return, so in a panic, I stopped all exercise again. After a few weeks I was concerned my symptoms weren't going(although still nowhere as bad as before), so I contacted the endo asking if I could increase my dose. He asked me to try taking my T3 at 10am rather than 1st thing, as this often works for some. I did this for 2 weeks(as he suggested) but it didn't make much difference if any, so I increased my own dose, taking 10mcg in the morning and 10mcg in the afternoon. This did improve my symptoms and I felt much better although still not as well as I did when first taking T3, I felt it was good enough for now. I continued the higher dose for about a month, then told my endo as I was worried the gp would question my more frequent prescription request.
My endo has now said to stop the higher dose immediately as due to my TSH, I risk Osteoporosis and irregular heart beat (which I already have, I believe form being unmedicated for so long). He wants me to go back to 10mcg for 2 weeks, then have a blood test. I managed to convince my GP to let me have a blood test whilst on the higher dose, then I have lowered my dose but apparently have to wait 8 weeks before they will test again. I thought at least this way we might be able to see any difference between the dosages. 4 days of being on the lower dose and palpitations have returned along with fatigue and aching.
I think my dose is actually quite low compared to some and I would benefit from an increase, how can I argue this with my endo?(I'm worried he'll take the T3 away all together). Also, is there evidence I can take at my next appointment from a verified source that he will take notice of, regarding the irrelevance of TSH. he has said he cannot treat me by symptoms and has to look at my TSH. He also does not advocate Armour thyroid and last time I visited suggested I may be borderline Hypoglycemic but didn't want to tell me the symptoms in case it made think that I was - you can see what I'm dealing with!!! But I was just so happy to get the T3 at the time I didn't argue.
Sorry this is so long but I'm so close to having my life back I can't give up now, any advice would be much appreciated. Thanks in advance