I cant find Erfa Thyroid online. Desperately need to see a good doctor who I can discuss Erfa with.
Has anyone here seen Dr Perring or L.Young in L... - Thyroid UK
Has anyone here seen Dr Perring or L.Young in London? Please help.
Wasn't there a dr perring on the extra thyroid q and answer forum which was set up in February? You know the one they had to close because they couldn't cope with the amount of. questions?
Never heard of this forum though - you mean you think he was one of the doc´s answering the questions?
Yes, it was a forum set up something to do with the Nhs and it was a complete fiasco. The experts were quickly overwhelmed Nd in stead of being a forum for debate, it became a... Well, we asked questions and they gave answers with no hope of debate.....
If you mean the 'TalkHealth' fiasco at the beginning of this year, here's the link to what's left of it
There's a Dr Perros... maybe it's him you're thinking of?
Hello, Is there a specific reason you want to see either of the above. Can I suggest you obtain a list of Thyroid UK recommended doctors from thyroiduk.org.uk/tuk/diagno...
One of them will be able to discuss the Erfa option and others with you. Are you currently taking Erfa?
Jane x
They are both on the Thyroid UK recommended docs list. Wanted to see if anyone had seen them and hear more about them to minimise the risk of waste more time and money. I am not on Erfa yet.

Is there a reason why you specifically want Erfa? Have you already tried other desiccated thyroid brands such as Nature-Throid and Armour?
The first Dr l saw from the thyroid uk list was Dr Perring.......PLEASE pm me if you would like info.. Best wishes Donna