Hi everyone I'm after a bit of advice prior to my appointment with my Endocrinologist on Monday next week. My history is quite long but I saw an Endocrinologist last October after being on a trial of T3 for a year.. My dose then was Thyroxine 75mcgs & T3 10mcgs twice a day. My results were TSH 0.02 (0.27-4.2) T 4 13 (11-22) & T3 5.4 9(3.1-6.8) This dose made me feel a bit shaky & had some palpitations.
I saw him again in December when my results were TSH 0.01 ( 0.27-4.2) T4 18 ( 11-22) & T3 4.9 (3.1-6.8) We agreed on a slightly lower dose of Thyroxine at 87.5mcgs daily.
By February I was feeling rough really wiped out & couldn't think straight & felt like I needed extra T3 which I did take on occasions & seemed to help a little bit.
I called the nurse helpline & the nurse wasn't interested but said I could get my bloods done but no one would look at them till my next appointment in March. I posted the results in a previous post.
They were TSH --- T4 14 (11-22) & T3 (3.1-6.8) I then spoke to a different nurse telling her how unwell I was feeling so we agreed to reduce back to my original dose of Thyroxine75mcgs plus 10mcs of T3 daily for 4 weeks which takes us to today. I have been feeling even worse since reducing the thyroxine dose & some days i'm hardly able to keep my eyes open & finding anything cognitive impossible (like writing this post) . I'm also shaky & weepy & have the palpitations back. I had my bloods done this morning & the results are
TSH 0.01 T4 13 & T3 4.6
What should I be asking or saying to the Endocrinologist next week? . I feel like I definitely need a higher dose of Thyroxine or both to be honest. He is very nice but not terribly proactive I certainly can't stay like this. I'm getting nothing done in a day I feel so awful. I just can't seem to get the levels right.