Thank you so much to those on this Forum who give so freely of their time to help fellow thyroid sufferers! I have learned a lot since my diagnosis of hypothyroidism last year.
Unlike many, I have a helpful and approachable GP, but I thought it would be a good idea to do a full thyroid assessment to get the complete picture. He is doing lots of investigations at the moment, I think with multiple myeloma in mind, which is scary.
I take 100mcg levothyroxine which has always been Almus. I followed the test advice I have picked up from the Forum. I’m not taking any supplements at the moment, but I can see I could benefit from Vitamin D - is there a particular type and dose recommended?
I’m on a totally gluten free diet and am thinking about giving up dairy, and perhaps trying the autoimmune protocol as I have Hughes Syndrome (since 1995) as well as hypothyroidism. My GP thinks the thyroid problem isn’t auto immune, I think these results suggest otherwise? I also have CKD 2. Definitely feeling I’m dropping to bits…
I still have some hypo type symptoms - a low mood from time to time, dry skin, flaky nails, thin hair, but generally don’t feel too bad, just a bit below par.
I walk about 5 miles a day, cold water swim - and have just taken up yoga, which I’m finding much more challenging than I was expecting! I’d also welcome your thoughts on this level of exercise!
Thanks so much for any thoughts?