Hi, I'm new here. I'm 50 with hypothyroidism, thyroid autoantibodies too, plus PCOS, and a lot of history which adds up to symptoms of dysautonomia (dysregulated autonomic nervous system) - but not yet at diagnosable levels. Haven't been able to work for 5+ years, lots of life stresses etc. so to say my poor health affects my daily life is a big understatement.
Have had two borderline low morning cortisol blood test results, so now being sent for short synacthen test to assess adrenal fatigue. I've read up on this ... Medical guidance definitely advises to stop hrt for six weeks prior to test (which in itself sounds horrific), but hospital have not told me to do this. Additionally I've warned them my body tends to be sensitive, over-respond, and not react like "most people" ... They insist "we've never had anyone have a problem."
Given I've read lots of your posts that indicate otherwise, I want to know more about recovery times for those who felt sick or poorly afterwards. I'm due to travel just three days later, so wondering if that's enough margin in case I feel awful.
I am not normally prone to allergic reactions to anything, but my digestive system is sensitive, so I'm gluten free and careful with what I eat.