I'm new to this particular forum, but unfortunately, very experienced in digging through thyroid support groups and research papers to try and find something that will finally help me.
I have confirmed autoimmune thyroiditis and have been on Levothyroxine under the NHS for 1.5 years, but now that I have finally managed to get my TSH down to 1 and my T4 up to 75% through the range, I still feel very symptomatic ( I even have new exciting symptoms, like my hands swelling up in the mornings, pressure behind my eyes and carpal tunnel).
My T3 is only 45% through the range, even lower than before I started medication, and my vitamins and ferritin are not just okay, but optimal, so I'm starting to think that I might have a conversion problem and I might benefit from adding some T3.
I really want to speak to a specialist about all this, or at least to a knowledgeable medical doctor who would be willing to try me on a T3/T4 combination even if my T3 isn't under range yet, without having to fight for it. At the moment I would find it difficult to travel far, so any recommendations in Sheffield/ Yorkshire would be best. Online consultations would be great too.
Finally, due to being ill for such a long time, money is pretty tight, so I would really appreciate any recommendations for trustworthy international pharmacies to source T3 without prescription, particularly 10mcg and under, in case at some point it becomes my only option.
Feel free to PM me, and thank you so much in advance!