Just wondering, can I freeze my Thybon Henning liothyronine tablets without them losing potency.
At this rate, they're going to be out of date before I can get my t4 low enough to use them!!!
Thanks peeps
Just wondering, can I freeze my Thybon Henning liothyronine tablets without them losing potency.
At this rate, they're going to be out of date before I can get my t4 low enough to use them!!!
Thanks peeps
I wouldn’t freeze them as you risk all the problems of condensation and soggy tablets falling apart when you thaw them.
Tablets don’t lose their potency over night but a very gradual decline over many months/years. I’ve taken out of date thyroid meds lots of times with no repercussions. Those who have found their tablets below optimum potency have simply increased their dose slightly.
Your pills will be fine 😊
I've taken old T3 in the past. I am usually happy to take them at least up to 2 years past their expiry date. As long as they were still working for me I would continue to take them rather than throw them away.
If I felt they were getting less potent I would agree with radd - I would just increase dose slightly to compensate.
As long as the tablets didn't visibly deteriorate e.g. get damp, crumble, or change colour or become "stained" - I'm happy to continue taking old tablets.
Whoah - 2 years is a LONG time out of date! But that gives me hope that my t3 will hopefully not go to waste 🤞 Thanks to both you and radd for your replies. Presumably you and radd would happily take the same approach to levothyroxine?
Yes, although if pills were free on NHS (as in Levothyroxine) I would likely just order some more.