Freezing cold flu like symptoms : Hi I'm hoping... - Thyroid UK

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Freezing cold flu like symptoms

Caldereta profile image
5 Replies

Hi I'm hoping that someone can give me some hope,my specialist said try to alternate dose of levothyroxine, my gp said it was over medicated

When the specialist called me his first words were what would you like me to do for you today.

Err well a miracle wouldn't go a miss,I thought mmm,this isn't going to go well.

He asked me to alternate my dose I was taking 100 mg so one day 100mg next 125 and so on.

I had acute vit d which is now resolved with a 1,000 maintainance.

I'm feeling awful muscle cramps cold hands / body weepy,dont want to do anything 😫.

Feeling sick tummy ache off and on,got so cold I had to get in the bath to get warm,heating on then started to over heat ,my legs felt on fire I decided to drop the 125mg for 5 days felt OK then the 6th day ho my felt awful I experienced yesterday a pain in my sternum bone it lasted all afternoon then went had that before .

The specialist said he hadnt recieved the last results yet my gp insisted he had sent them.

So he's changing dosage without the result I know this I have got worse since speaking with him.

And my gp says I should be feeling hot not cold as its already on the high side????

Sometimes I will experience over heating but rarely.

Useless getting nowhere I don't have a life anymore don't go out alone I can't anxiety

I've lost me from a outgoing sociable person to a recluse.

Please can anyone help love this group 💗 xx

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5 Replies
radd profile image


Oh, poor you. It sounds like a horrible Hashi attack that can make one feel terribly unwell. Have you had thyroid antibodies tested yet?

Your previous tests showed you were very unmedicated with high TSH and not enough thyroid hormone. You also had elevated creatinine and urea.

Thyroid hormone controls the rate at which your kidneys can do their filtration work. Inadequate thyroid hormones slows glomeruler filter action and results in elevated creatinine and urea. I also had this when diagnosed several years ago with electrolyte imbalance and loss of proteins in my wee (but no UTI’s.) Your adrenal glands will be suffering big times and if you are peeing too much like I was, you will be losing further precious thyroid hormones.

It sounds like you are being dosed by the TSH level which isn’t always indicative of the thyroid hormone replacement needed. It also sounds like the insufficient amount of replacement meds you are taking aren’t working.

Thyroid hormones need sufficient iron and nutrients to work well. You have advised the Vit D deficiency was being addressed but what about iron and VitB12 that were too low for good thyroid function? Are you supplementing these now?

Have you recent test results to share? When GP’s are uncooperative members use privates labs and post results complete with ranges (numbers in brackets) for members to comment. SlowDragon has advised several times what needs to be tested in your previous posts.


Private lab tests.


Hypothyroidism symptoms.

Caldereta profile image
Caldereta in reply to radd

Hi and thankyou for your in depth information yes been a rough ride my gp said the last test in Feb this year was showing over medicated slightly high,I did have the antibody test as I had a feeling it was autoimmune .And it was my doctor said thyroiditis.

I have a cough that comes and goes flushed cheeks,which burn like a temperature sinus and gland pain, tum pain constipated then loose motions neck and shoulder pain panick attacks dizziness.

So what do I need to do apart from the tests you mention because the b12 you mentioned my doctor said it was fine at 500 which it was he said the electrolytes was OK nothing to worry about.

I know you mention I been dosed with tsh should their be something more ???

All this is overwhelming I been very weepy today ,and I can't cope with stress at the present.

Thankyou for your valued information hope for your further imput.


radd profile image
radd in reply to Caldereta


Your results were;

TSH 4.57 MU/L O.1-50 and Free T4 16 PMO/ 12-23

You were /are clearly not over-medicated but under, and your GP sounds out of his depth.

You are exhibiting numerous symptoms of hypothyroidism exacerbated by elevated thyroid antibodies. SlowDragon has given you details in previous posts several times for the tests required to achieve a more comprehensive picture of thyroid function, but I will give them again.

The most important to get tested is FT3 as this is the active hormone we need for well-being, together with TSH & FT4. In this age of budget cuts GP’s don’t generally test FT3 so members use private labs (wrong but unfortunately necessary), and post results complete with ranges (numbers in brackets) for members to comment.

Just as long term low thyroid hormone levels negatively effects kidney function, it also negatively effects much other including low stomach acid that impairs gut absorption of iron and nutrients. That is why many members suffer iron & nutrient deficiencies, but ironically it is these deficient nutrients that will make thyroid hormone work more effectively.

You are in need of a Levothyroxine dose raise. Is there another doctor you can discuss your thyroid hormone results with because your TSH is plainly over-range ? This is a clue to a struggling thyroid gland supported by a pituitary gland trying to encourage more thyroid hormone. This is basic thyroid gland physiology and your doctor should know this, especially with elevated thryoid antibodies.

Don't feel alone with this coz many members including myself have been in your position at some time.

Caldereta profile image
Caldereta in reply to radd

Thankyou I really appreciate your help you fel like your fighting a losing battle her and believe me I am a fighter having cancer 2 times sepsis which my kidneys almost went into renial failure,2 nervous breakdowns anorexia bronchial pneumonia, and a liver virus plus 2 bouts of shingles could go on but enough.The surgery had 5 GPS now just the doctor I see and a part timer,whom will not go above him ,he owns the surgery but majority have left there have been good stand ins but on stay temporary.

Says something I think ,this gp should under instructions been monitoring my vit d every 2 months I only found this out when I had my records,that was going back 8 years ago.

That's when I insisted what I wanted doing

And was very sharp with him,so my next step being private testing for what and the links to get this done can I get the b12 and other nutrients I need tested ?

Then what do I give them to him,who else can I see that will no how to treat me correctly as I have googled doctors here and the best are not in range.

I am having to fight all the time to get nowhere,once I paid private for a thyroid specialist he never let me speak told me not to take thyroxine with my tea and too wait 40mins before food I didn't no this as no instructions were given,he did a blood test after and said they had reached the normal level £700 pounds that was it.

Thanks again.

radd profile image
radd in reply to Caldereta


Yes, you can get all nutrients and hormones measured with private testing.

Be aware your doctor may not accept your private test results but they will hopefully give an insight into your thyroid function, and nutrient deficiencies that you can then address.

A good read is 'The Root Cause" by Izabella Wentz and/or 'Your Thyroid & How To keep It Healthy' by Doctor Barry Peatfield.

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