Hello everyone , and all the wise ones on this site,
I must admit im very disheartened at present, - my last meeting with my GP about my thyriod was that i was over medicated, but then he said he could add me back to the 125 mg, i used to be on, i tried it - but absolutely no effect, so i went back to the 100 mg levothyroxine and all seems to be ok apart from my huge lack of energy - which im putting down to the fact i had a mastectomy last year jan 18th and after the first time of having that dreadfull( litterally dread ) disease, and i had a lumpectomy , this time ive had my c....r ( im not sorry i dont give it any power()filled left breast removed, and another 25 nodes, which makes me think that my system is still trying to repairt itself - at 62, which is going to be harder for me to recover, being older, but im still here, and have to be there for my son too who had it in an embarresing area, and lost on eof his testacles , but hes still here too and in working order- the human body can be a wonderfull thing ! However , thelast time i saw my gp - he was totally unable to help me over the weight loss thing - ive tried everything i know and nothing works, he kees going on about calorie deficit and excercise , but i cant exercise as my whole left side is very very weak after my op, and i cant carry any thing and movement after my hip ops is very limmited ! yes im a bit of a mess ! my night time meds - make me very achy - amlodopene and letrozole( app - protection against the breast cancer returning )! but i put on two stone when my thyroid went , im not 10 stone ( the lbs go up and down from 1 to about 5 at different times) i dont eat loads, due to my ibs, and i cant lose weight what ever i do , i tried an exerise bike, - nothing i tried chair yoga, nothing ! i tried the 5 -2 and was advised against it , due to starving ones self, probably wasnt the best thing as i only lost about 5 lbs in 6 months !¬ im getting desperate, i absained from alcohol, all last year, only having a drink occasionally with my friends, i did dry jan and have decided im only having a drink if theres something social going on- i also get very very cold in these- low temeratures, i cant do any thing below 7 degrees, my raynauds suffers and i get very ill - i should be able to know how to deal with all this by now, but i cant do freezing, - i have to watch where i go as my immunes sytems pants , so my socialisng is very limited"- whats als o making me really upset is tat our area is going through another bowel cancer drive, and my surgery keeps endoing me texts, that they havent had my test, im not putting myself though all this at the moment as im still under the hospital i had the opp at and there very good at checking me - when i need to go for check ups- every six months still - imnot being pulled about any more than i need to , im depressed enough atm - i suffer fromSAD, TOO , ive got a mamgram at the end of march - on my only breast, and no doubt they will take a blood sample or ut me through -another machine, - they usually do - Sorry this is a bit long, but ive given up sugar, and i only eat fish, not often , and veg, and pulses- the only processed food i eat is bread, and i dont have a great deal of that - i try to find the best type of bread, amy be a ciabatta , with less ingrediants- as im convinced the food industry is poisoning us all ! i drink spring bottled in glass water- but if i drink too much water im on the loo all night - im at the age when the bladder- despite all the pelvic floor exercises is giving me grief - i dont know what to do now- im fed up with the gp now, ive been through most of them in my area due to them giving me no hope re the weight loss , and various wrong meds over time, i thought id found a g that could help and hes given up too , ive been with him now about 8 years, - i left the gp i went to when i was caring for my mum, in 2016 before she passed in 2017, and ive been with his gp ever since- im really feeling quite low and dont want to add my lowness to my sons agenda , but i dont know what to do or where to go to get my thyroid- properly diagnosed, my gp just seems to do the bare mionimum and says im optimally medicated, but this cant be so as if i was id not be feeling this sluggish, and id be able to lose weight !!! i just cant get below 10 stone at all!!! what am i doing wrong, ? Could anyone give me some new advice- or tell me where i have to go , i sort of remember bing told to go private over this but i dont inow where to go in london- i dont feel enlcined to enhance the docs salaries in harley street- they earn far too much !!! and ive got this horrid brain fog where i cant remember much either !! its not ALTZHEIMERS, im pretty sure, as i can cook a sunday dinner, but im so exhausted after standing to cook it - im wiped out for the next few day s!!!id be gratefull for some help please xxxx
much love ASTRO 16