Even though I wrap up in thermals, my body still feels as cold as ice on the inside along with my skin.
How many of you are like me, struggling with yo... - Thyroid UK
How many of you are like me, struggling with your underactive thyroid this Winter with the cold, along with the cost of living?

I don’t see any blood test results in your profile or your past posts.
It’s true that as you optimize your thyroid hormone levels and key vitamins your core body temperature will increase and you will feel warmer.
That being said - a plug in heated blanket is my new favorite thing! While sitting getting work done and especially at night in bed. Really does the trick and makes me very happy. It’s below freezing temps where I live for weeks now and no end in sight!

welcome to the thyroid forum
Are you diagnosed as being hypothyroid
If yes….
How much levothyroxine are you taking
Do you have recent thyroid and vitamin results from GP you can add
Recommended that all thyroid blood tests early morning, ideally just before 9am, only drink water between waking and test and last dose levothyroxine 24 hours before test
Thank you.
Yes, I am diagnosed with hypothyroidism.
I had my thyroid test last year around Summer / Autumn, I never thought about asking about a vitamin test I will definitely bring it up with them next time.
Thanks for the advice about when it is best to have a test done and what to do for next time. I have written it down, thank you very much, a big help. 👍
Suggest you see GP and list your current hypothyroid symptoms
see list here
request GP do new thyroid test including Ft4 and Ft3 now and including vitamin levels
Book early morning test and last dose levothyroxine 24 hours before test
75mcg is quite a low dose levothyroxine. Only one increase up from starter dose of 50mcg
Do you know roughly how much you weigh in kilo
Unless you’re a very small/light, most people will need higher dose levothyroxine of at least 100mcg
Always ask for copies of your test results and ranges
Thank you for getting back with this information, I will write it down.
I am a healthy weight as I'm 10 Stone 4 Pounds which is 65.31 ( I love healthy eating and movement).
I forget that I can ask for copies in fact I'm going to ask them for my recent copy of my last results, again thank you. 👍😀
First step
See what most recent results show
guidelines suggest that at 65 kilo you’re likely to need approximately 100mcg Levo per day
Guidelines are typically 1.6mcg levothyroxine per kilo of your weight per day
Adults usually start with a dose between 50 micrograms and 100 micrograms taken once a day. This may be increased gradually over a few weeks to between 100 micrograms and 200 micrograms taken once a day.
Some people need a bit less than guidelines, some a bit more
TSH should always be below 2 on levothyroxine
Graph showing median TSH in healthy population is 1-1.5
Comprehensive list of references for needing LOW TSH on levothyroxine
If symptoms of hypothyroidism persist despite normalisation of TSH, the dose of levothyroxine can be titrated further to place the TSH in the lower part of the reference range or even slightly below (i.e., TSH: 0.1–2.0 mU/L), but avoiding TSH < 0.1 mU/L. Use of alternate day dosing of different levothyroxine strengths may be needed to achieve this (e.g., 100 mcg for 4 days; 125 mcg for 3 days weekly).
The optimal daily dose in overt hypothyroidism is 1·5–1·8 μg per kg of bodyweight, rounded to the nearest 25 μg.
Hi Lotus-Blossom, welcome to the forum.
This is why so many hypo patients increase their dose in winter - if they're able - to cope with the cold. Do you think your doctor would increase your dose temporarily? Can't hurt to ask.
Thank you. 😀
I had no idea that Doctors could increase my dose in the Winter. I can't believe with years of having this condition ( Going back to the 90's) they never told me this. I will 100% bring this up to them, a big thank you for letting me know. 👍😀
I don't suppose they know they can do that, either. I think the people that do it are either self-treating or have a secret stash of levo that allows them to.
Or, they reduce their prescrbed dose in the summer, because they don't need as much in the heat; and then put it up to their full dose, or more, when it gets cold. But, they do not tell their doctors what they're doing, because the last thing they need is having their prescription reduced in the summer. When a doctor reduces a dose he is very, very reluctant to put it back up again.
Thanks for telling me this, I don't feel safe messing with my thyroid I'd rather just bring it up with my Doctor and see what she says, so it's in her hands. Better to be safe than sorry. 👍
I would have thought the opposite was true. Do you really believe they know what they're doing? I've been self-treating for years because of the incompetence of every single doctor I've ever seen.
Of course I don't, I'm not that gullible ( I've been around a long time and have experienced things in my lifetime, personal). But it's still worth asking and seeing what they say, they can either say yes or no.
Remember, everyone's experiences in life are completely different to others, we are all on our own journeys in life.
I was always very cold while on thyroxine. It was only after I switched to NDT that I started feeling a bit warmer. Even now I 'tog up' during the winter months, make sure that I do plenty of exercise, indoors and out, and at the end of a shower, I turn the water temperature to cold for 1-2 minutes. The last one really gets me glowing for a few hours.
Hi there,
I try and increase my levo levels a bit in winter. Usually half of a 25mcg tablet is enough for me.
My other fix for staying warm in the house is an electric throw that I have over me every day. This combined with warm socks or slippers keeps me toasty warm. Its the best thing I've ever bought, and is not as expensive as heating a room or a whole house.
Helen x
I second you on the electric throw. Mine stays on sofa all year round, looks good too
Another heated throw addict here , mine is faux fur and from lakeland . use it every day .
Yep, faux fur here too. Looks great draped on sofa. I wish these had been about years ago. Would have saved a fortune on gas bill 😂
Thank you for sharing your experience with me.
I own a heat pad too, but I don't want to be glued to it as it would be impossible to get things done around the house. But I have heard of these heated hooded blankets as I'm tempted into buying one for myself.
Again thanks for sharing your experience with me.
Lotus x
Hi Lotus Blossom, I hear your pain! In a centrally heated house I’m currently wearing a vest, long-sleeved thermal top, t-shirt, 2 jumpers, thermal long johns and joggers, with a wooly thing at my neck. I’m 6 weeks into finally getting T3, so I will warm up when I’ve had my breakfast. Layers is the answer, and exercise as already mentioned. If I get chilled through after sitting too long, the only thing that helps (for me) is a coffee with Tia Maria in it.
The cold is something I've lived with for years. I've always had electric blankets, Dreamland is the make I now use as very quick at heating up , 2 minutes and you can feel it.I now have an electric thow by the same company for my sofa. It's soo good and heats up within minutes too. It far better and cheaper than sitting with the fire and heating on as I use too.
I know initial cost of purchasing can be expensive but this will help both night time and daytime trying to keep warm.
Until you are near your optimal dose of thyroid medication you will feel cold.
Yes, badly affected. In fact was keeping heating off or very low (live in very old cottage in country, no mains gas) and now feeling quite ill. Can't keep my core temperature up. Basal temperature can be as low as 35.1, even in the afternoon! Pulse is fluctuating, from slow to racing, even when sitting still. After any attempt at light exercise I am wiped out for a day or two and my joints and muscles ache all over. Emotionally low, withdrawn, mentally unable to get on.
Realised last week I'm probably undermedicated, "result: Misery" (Mr Micawber's shortfall of sixpence). Finally body and mind have ground to a halt, and have been to see GP to check there's nothing more sinister going on. Awaiting full blood results, and have just increased my NDT by 1/4 grain anyway. Stupid of me, I should have made an increase at the beginning of winter.
Oh, and I got another oil delivery and am having the heating on a bit more.
I've always felt the cold, well before I had thyroid problems. One of the reasons I moved from the North of England to the South is because it's warmer & not as windy. I have two Boots hot water bottles which I use day & night. If you put a hot water bottle on your tummy it warms you up quicker. I wear Primark thick fleece thermal leggings. 2 pairs of long M&S thermal mens long socks. M&S thermal mens T shirt, M&S thermal mens jumper & a thick fluffy jumper or cardigan. Men's M&S thermals are warmer then womens & they are longer in length. Recently I've discoved long thermal bootie slippers which really makes a difference. When I go out I wear a faux fur hat, thermal coat & a long blanket scarf. In the past I've been so cold I've worn a wooly hat when I'm at home & even when I'm in the bath or shower if I'm not shampooing my hair. One thing I've noticed is people born during the summer months don't like the cold & people born during the winter months have zero problems with cold weather.
Best Wishes
Thanks for sharing your experience Lily905 with me. Thinking about it, I could do with some more thermal wear.
Hasn't worked for me because I was born in the Winter and I hate the cold plus I burn easily so I hate the Summer, I just can't win with the weather. The best I can do is, blame it on the weather person. 😂
I have an infrared cushion which has been a game changer for me, it produces the most lovely kind of heat that never gets too hot but just seems to radiate through you. Not sure if I can mention the make but you can PM me if you want to know. It was quite dear, but I wouldn’t be without it now, this is its 3rd year of service. It’s saved a lot of arguments about what temperature the central heating should be set at too!
I like the sound of that . Do you think the infra red cushions and throws would burn a leather sofa and chair?
hello - yes I’m always alway freezing and I’ve spent the last few months in thermals with jumpers too. M&S do a fab range of thermals and fairly cheap, I buy a few each year and now have a nice lot to keep me going. They help with the back and shoulders especially but I do still struggle with what feels like my frozen bones radiating cold outwards.
Thanks for sharing your experience with me Kimmi01, that's my problem there I don't have enough thermal wear, like yourself I must get more from M&S with my Sparks Card.
You sound like me two Snow Queens with skin like Ice ( a joke I call myself, Snow Queen). You look great, I'm loving your sweater by the way, sums up all of us. 😂❤️
I am not always cold but the Winter months get to me. I layer up and have hot water bottles, two at a time. My game changer was when I moved 15 years ago. The house has night storage heaters and my lounge is now my bedroom. The storage heaters heat up over night and help to keep the room warm. I wear a vest,fleecy pajamas, dressing gown and bed socks. I have a 15 tog duvet and a blanket on top of that and I do sleep well. The only thing is towards the later part of the evening the heat has gone so I'm back in bed with hot water bottles. I hate having to stay anywhere where there is no heating over night as I get so cold and can't sleep. This has been a problem for 20 plus years.If the indoor temperature falls to less than 19/20 degrees Celsius I feel chilled to the bone.
Thanks for sharing your experience with me malancy.
I do own a heat pad (I don't trust hot water bottles in case they burst) it's more for on the move though. I tend to bring my heat pad with me wherever I go on holiday.
I do need a discussion with my G.P though about the medication I'm on, it's not enough for the Autumn / Winter Months.
Thanks again for sharing your experience with me. 👍
Hello Lotus Blossom,
Im sorry to read you’re struggling with the cold at the moment. I am wondering if you’re taking any iron or vitamin supplements? I have suffered from the cold previously - if my core became cold it would take ages for me to warm up.
Since taking iron, vitamin D, omega 3, magnesium and vitamin B12 - 95% of my coldness has subsided and I feel much better in myself…worth a go if you’re not supplementing?
Good luck as it’s awful being cold xx
Always test vitamin levels BEFORE starting any supplements and retest regularly
Thank you.
I do have a history of low iron ( since my I.C.U experience). I am already on Vitamin D, Omega 3 fish oil and Magnesium but I will also look into Vitamin B12.
Thank you for your kind words and for this advice.
Tell me about it, I feel like the Snow Queen from Frozen, next I'll be singing "Let it go." LOL
You’ll get there ❤️ it might take some time but hang in there.
Not sure where you’re based in the world - I am in the UK and use a brand called “Better You” for Iron and VitB12. I’ve tried tablets in the past and they’ve not worked for me, these two are sprays which you spray directly into your mouth. I used to be symptomatic but no symptoms anymore!
Fingers crossed you have a good experience 🤗
My husband got me a plug in electric throw, its lovely.The only thing I could do before that was a bath and hot water bottle 😊
My husband and I have bought 2 each of these :
and we think they have saved us a fortune in heating costs. Note the pink one is the colour of bubblegum and the colour is rather eyewatering.
I also bought a couple of these which are shorter and thinner :
although I notice they are currently unavailable.
In really cold weather I put a shorter one on then put the longer thicker one over the top.
I also use long-sleeved thermal vests (men's ones from M&S - I think most men's clothes are better quality than women's)
I wear the long-sleeved thermal vests and wear a normal short-sleeved vest over the top, or just an ordinary t-shirt then put one or more of the hoodie garments over the top.
The thermal vests I've bought are described as "light thermal" but there are also "medium thermal" which I haven't bought but might try next winter.
Before the dramatic rise in energy costs I had hardly any clothes suitable for cold weather and I put on my central heating most of the day. Buying the winter clothes made it possible to cut down on my energy usage by an enormous amount.
I also use hot water bottles every night.
One thing I discovered a few years ago is that optimising my iron/ferritin made me a bit less sensitive to the cold.