I had a blood test for ferritin in September 2023 which showed 91 ug/L (23-400), my TSH was <0.02mU/L (0.30-4.50), T3 11.5pmol/L (3.1-6.8), T4 26.4 pmol (11-22). I took carbimazole 5mg tablets for a while from June 2024 until September 2024, my recent blood test for ferritin has dropped to 43 ug/L (23-400), (my TSH in October was 0.83 (0.30-4.50), T3 4.2pmol/L (3.1-6.8), T4 14.7 pmol/L (11-22)), my TSH in December was 0.89 (0.30-4.50), T4 15.2pmol/L (11-22). Any thoughts please on why my ferritin count has dropped so much.
Ferritin levels dropped since T3 and T4 levels ... - Thyroid UK
Ferritin levels dropped since T3 and T4 levels fallen
hi there,
Ferritin is your storage iron. Things that cause it to drop are;
Bleeding, heavy periods, bowel conditions
Being veggie, vegan, leaky gut so not absorbing.
Drinking coffee, teas, eating chocolate within an hour of eating meat/taking a ferrous type supplement.
On the flip side inflammation can give a higher ferritin result so it could be you were inflamed and now are less so.
When my ferritin was as low as yours I felt dreadful, hair falling out, struggling up stairs etc.
worth getting a full iron panel done to understand other levels. It might be IDWA (Iron deficiency without anaemia) or might not.
Once you know what you are dealing with it will be onto the twice weekly liver pate and or supplements such as Tbree Areows Simply Heme which lots of members do well with. 🌱
Thank you for replying Regenallotment and for explaining, what would a full iron panel consist of please.
My iron document has a bit about: What is an Iron Panel?
helvella - Iron Document
This is a summary of what I have read up and found out about iron supplements over the past few years. I am not in any way medically trained. You are strongly encouraged to check every detail before making any decisions for yourself.
Last updated 19/01/2025
Link to blog:
Thank you helvella for the information, I am taking spatone sachets at the moment.
Which have limited iron content.
However the big difficulty with ferritin is that it rises if your body is suffering inflammation.
The level it now is, 43, might not be far from where it would have been in September - except something then was causing inflammation and increasing ferritin. Despite you real iron levels not changing much.
Ferritin tests are quite good at identifying low iron. But poor at establishing whether a higher number really means higher iron.
That is why it is so important to have an iron panel/iron investigation to see what is really happening.