So a year of having repeat blood tests approximately every 3 months I seem to be getting nowhere! These are my latest results and have yet to hear from my doctors but expecting a message to just go for another test in 3 months. I feel terrible and all my symptoms point to underactive thyroid but the doctor just keeps retesting as just subclinical with these results. I had an antibody test which came up as ove 100(I have shared my previous blood test results in previous post). I am currently saving to afford to go private but this won't be possible for another 6 months.
Blood tests: So a year of having repeat blood... - Thyroid UK
Blood tests

With two NHS tests with TSH over 5, high thyroid antibodies and symptoms you should be offered 6 months trial on levothyroxine
As detailed in your previous post

Gather up all your tests on a spreadsheet
NHS ones and private
List by date
Including vitamin levels and thyroid antibodies
January 2024 NHS test
TSH 9.5 (0.27-4.5)
Ft4 15.6 (11-23)
B12 279 (197-771)
Folate 2.7 (2-18)
Ferritin 18 (20-130)
Post with these results in with detailed information on how to improve vitamin levels
Private test few weeks later
Ferritin 18ug/L
TSAT 10%
ACTIVE B12 62 pmol/L
Folate 3.6ug/L
TPO 114 IU/mL
TSH 14.8 mu/L (0.27 - 4.2 mU/L)
FT3 4.6 pmol/L.(3.1-6.8 pmol/L)
FT4 14.7 pmol/L (12-220pmol/L)
High thyroid antibodies confirms autoimmune thyroid disease
Again ….Detailed information on how to improve low vitamin levels
sept/oct 2024 NHS test - 2nd test with TSH over 5
Serum TSH level - 8.9 mU/L (0.27 - 4.5).
T4 LEVEL 13.3 pmol/L (11.0 - 23.0)
Post discussing the above
and now 3rd NHS tests with TSH over 5
TSH 8.7
Ft4 11.3
See a different GP at the surgery
Request trial on Levo
and as ferritin was 18 request full iron panel test
Exactly what vitamin supplements are you now taking
Presumably you are still taking daily B12 and daily vitamin B complex
How much vitamin D are you taking
Are you now trailing strictly gluten free diet
I think you eill have to.pish a bit for a trial. Book face to face. Take your results over the last year with you. It's very clear you are suffering with Hypothyroidism and it's not going away!! What GP surgeries do is they have a doctor looking at results that are not in range.....the rest just gets filed with a repeat suggested if bordeline. It's just reviewed on each test result. No ones been looking at your history in all.likelyhood.
So take the years results with you and ask for a trial of levothyroxine.
Not surprised you feel rubbish....poor you.
I agree you need to speak to a Dr.
Write yourself a little list to either hand over or as a ' script' so you have facts to give.
The points to make are:
- You have had a series of tests over the last 12 months and your TSH is consistently several points over the reference range.
- at the same time, your T4 is consistently dropping and is now barely within the low end of its range.
- together, this indicates your thyroid gland is failing to function adequately.
- you have the following symptoms (list them) and your quality of life is impaired.
Thyroid UK (i.e. this forum) have told you that according to the NHS/NICE guidelines, you should now have a trial of thyroid medication.
When you have spoken with your Dr, and hopefully have been started on medication, come back on the forum, and you will get loads more good advice and education. This site helps so many people manage this condition well.
Good luck.
I can't believe you haven't been prescribed thyroxine yet. What's wrong with these doctors? I really feel for you as I've been there, too.
Putting together all your results in a table will help prove your case - you shouldn't have to do this but that's the way it is. Be firm and present your data face-to-face.
I'd say that you feel you're being fobbed off and it's clearly a thyroid issue. Ask for a trial of Levothyroxine starting now. They will have to write down your points in the consultation notes. Don't be lead by them any more. Be assertive - it's hugely cathartic 😊