I had a partial thyroidectomy mid Nov. I was sure for completion but was cancelled on day of surgery. I'm really worried about my voice. Since the op it's officially OK (they stuck a tube down and got to me to say eee and said it looked fine). At the time i felt it was ok as i was still tired after the op and not surprised i was quiet. But now it's been 6 weeks. I find talking in a pub really not fun at all. I can't cut into conversations. I public speak alot and really can't imagine doing that like i used to. Others say i sound fine but voice is weak, i can't shout upstairs, or project. I certainly can't sing. Does anyone have any advice or personal experience? I'm really scared completion thyroidectomy will make it worse.
Voice worries: I had a partial thyroidectomy mid... - Thyroid UK
Voice worries

Sorry to hear that. This was my concern and why I’ve gone the holistic route. I hear it will get stronger over time and you can train it through
I haven’t had my thyroid removed thankfully. However I no longer sing since my diagnosis. My daughter who doesn’t have thyroid disease has nodules on her vocal cords and the doctor who looked at them asked if she was a singer. She does sing to her children all time which she has now had to stop. Sorry I don’t have a solution for this and it must be so frustrating for you. You have my sympathies
Sorry you’re experiencing difficulties with your voice. I had total thyroidectomy in 2017 and experienced the same problems. I could only whisper! I regained my voice after nine months, it was very frightening as I felt I would not be able to speak again. My voice has never returned to normal, still weak at times and croaky as well. The surgeon was not honest with me and told me everything would be fine. After several follow up appointments with him putting the tube down to look, he told me the laryngeal nerve was partially paralyzed due to the length of surgery. He assured me it would eventually “wake up”. Although my voice has returned, the weakness and hoarseness still lingers. I’ve seen five ent doctors and was finally told the damage to my right laryngeal nerve is permanent. Very dishonest doctors! Some people recovery fully but unfortunately I’m not one of the lucky ones. That problem is quite uncommon after a thyroidectomy. My surgeon is one of the best thyroid surgeons and it still happened. One lobe was totally calcified and he had to literally dig deep to remove it, hence the damage.
I wish you success and a speedy recovery in your upcoming surgery. Just keep a positive attitude. Everyone’s experience is different.
My voice was so weak after my partial thyroidectomy that I couldn’t shout my very young children to meals and was nervous about going out free range with them in the park as I had no strength in my voice. That was 30-odd years ago and it has improved over the years, but my voice is much deeper now and it gets tired if I’m in a group or at a party and becomes croaky. My gift to myself for undergoing the op was singing lessons as singing was my joy. I still cannot sing and my upper register is non existent having never recovered. The laryngeal consultant said it would never recover.
I got myself a toy megaphone to use with my grandchildren. It surprisingly helped when attracting their attention 📣
I had my thyroid totally removed in 2008. First my voice was very weak & I sounded like Barry White - nobody could believe how deep my voice was. It was at a very low volume which I couldn't make any louder. After nine months I'd had enough because I worked on the telephone & people were asking me so speak louder which was impossible. I read on this site about singing to strengthen your voice after surgery. So I bought a book which explained how to strengthen your voice by singing. I've never been able to sing. At first I could only sing in my lowest base range & then with practice I was able to sing middle ranges. I used to sing along to records when I was by myself. The exercises really worked & I could feel & hear my voice getting stronger. The book explained that voices / vocal chords are muscles which need to be exercised properly. Now my voice is ok, not the volume it used to be but, I can project it if I need to. I can't remember the name of the book it was something like Vocal Chord Exercises For Singing. There must be some vocal chords exercise videos online which could help you. Best Wishes
Could a speech therapist help? The British Voice Association might have some ideas; they have pamphlets, etc. I know that some physios specialise in vocal issues, but I'm not sure if that would be available on the NHS.
Hi, I had my thyroid totally removed 25 years ago. Afterwards they checked my vocal cords and voice, and said there was no damage. However, like most people I don't have any strength in my voice anymore and can't shout . I also loved to sing before, but can't really now. I do try but no one would be impressed so it's just for me! I don't think it will improve after all this time!
A close family member has similar after bring intubated even though briefly.
At first both vocal cords were paralyzed. I saw them on the camera/scope - lazy and open, not moving or closing.
Now after 3 months, check up showed only one size is lazy. So improved, but still sounds like he’s got a bad cold, can’t shout/talk loud to get anyone’s attention. That being said , he can “eeeee” and “woooo” and hum his excercise without any skips or breaks.
We were told 4-6 months to determine exactly how this will resolve.
We were also told that if it doesn’t get any better there are shots (I can’t recall the name at the moment) that can be used to puff up the vocal chords to help them touch/close, that lasts for about a year.
My takeaway from the situation has been to not jump the gun, because it’s impossible to guess. And concurrently, although this is not the outcome we wanted, I find myself grateful he can talk at all (even though gravelly and soft). It is what it is, but I am grateful nonetheless.
I asked the doctor - anything we can do in the meantime. They said no.
I asked anything he shouldn’t do. They said don’t cough too much or too hard. But other than that - talk as much as he wants.
I really hope I never have to have my thyroid removed after reading all these stories
I used sing with my family on the singing star video game we loved it as we are a musical family. We don’t sing much now and for me just a croak would come out. 😟