Hello, I am lucky enough to manage myself to work part time, however every year I have coughs, colds, chest infections and sinus infections. . I qualify for flu and COVID vaccinations from my Doctors and believe that my immune system is compromised due to my illnesses. I asked my Doctors for a letter stating this so I can get some kind of Absence leniency from work.
This is the response.
Would love to hear your opinion.
Thanks Dawn.
Dear Mrs [ redacted name ] ,Dr [redacted doctor ] has looked at your letter and unfortunately your conditions Chronic Fatigue Syndrome, Fibromyalgia and Hashimotos Disease are not classed as immuno-suppressive conditions and he is therefore unable to do a letter to state this.
Thank you Admin
Dr [ redacted doctor ] & Partners
[ Names redacted by admin. Personal names of members are best avoided. And doctor names are not, in general, allowed on the forum. This doesn't appear to alter the meaning of the post. ]