Finally had initial appointment with GP on 27 Nov to discuss NHS and Private Thyroid Function Test results, which indicated Hashimoto’s and Sub-clinical Hypothyroidism (SCH). Just wanting to say a huge thank you for the support, advice and information given on here, which greatly helped navigate the issues with the GP.
All Thyroid hormone test results shown at end of this post. Previous posts/results here:
GP was a little dismissive/reluctant as TSH results were sub-clinical (“it’s complicated”). I confirmed I would not consider a statin until, at least, Thyroid issue was addressed (was being pushed hard by GP and Cardiologist to start) especially given reduced kidney function results. Said I was also concerned that recent 10% rise in blood pressure (BP) was also possibly being driven by the Hashimoto’s, but was not keen to increase BP medication until Thyroid issue addressed.
GP eventually agreed to next steps based on his request to Endocrinology for advice and guidance, which they provided as (very promptly by email):
“If his TFTs show subclinical hypothyroidism then this resource will be helpful in answering your query subclinical-hypothyroidism (Section 1.5)”
Surgery practice staff advised today that, based on Endocrinology advice, a 3-6 month trial of 50mg Levothroxine is authorised, to continue if symptoms settle. Was told it is advised there is a “4% annual risk of developing hypothyroidism”, which seems to be the rate for women based on this NICE CKS document:
Hypothyroidism: What is the prognosis?
I then spoke with the Practice Pharmacist who supported my request for TFT bloods to be retested before 6 months (arranged for end of Jan 25 at 0900hrs) so that initial 50mg dose could be assessed as required. I’ll also do a private test beforehand on the same day for T3 levels, just in case Practice cannot get this from the NHS TFT test.
As advised on here, will also now focus on improving/optimising vitamin D and B12 levels (GP not interested as test results are not deficient).
I think this is probably a decent enough outcome for now, given the circumstances and my impression that the GP was not really au fait with Thyroiditis, and totally hamstrung by local ICB policy. I realise that the real battle will likely come at the end of January. But at least we are up and running and l am looking forward to (hopefully) a few weeks of improvement.
If there is anything else I should consider, I am very happy to take all advice.
Many thanks again for all the help and information.
Male 64
Weight 120kg
NHS Thyroid Function Test on 21 Oct 24 @ 1830hrs
-TSH 5 miu/L (Range 0.35-4.7) [106.90%] [Elevated]
-Free T4 8.7 pmol/L (Range 7.8-21) [6.82%] [Low end of normal]
-Thyroid peroxidase antibodies (TPOab) >1000 iu/ml (Range 0-75) [Very high]
Private Test on 18 Nov 24 @ 0830hrs
-TSH 9.340 mIU/L (Range: 0.27 - 4.2) [230.79%] [Elevated]
-Free T3 4.5 pmol/L (Range: 3.1 - 6.8) [37.84%] [Not optimised]
-Free Thyroxine (F4) 10.2 pmol/L (Range: 12 - 22) [18%] [Low]
-Thyroglobulin Antibodies (TgAb) 446.00 kIU/L (Range: 0 - 115) [Very high]
-Thyroid Peroxidase Antibodies (TPOab) >600 kIU/L (Range: 0 - 34) [Very high]
-Ferritin 97.70 ug/L (Range: 30 - 518) [OK?]
-Folate - Serum 33.1 nmol/L (Range: > 7) [Excellent]
-Vitamin B12 (Active) 76.4 pmol/L (Range: > 37.5) [Low end normal]
--Vitamin D 43.3 nmol/L (Range: 50 - 250) [Insufficient]