I dont want to jinx anything but had my latest B12 jab today and was chatting with the very lovely nurse I see. I've mentioned before the battle I sometimes have getting the receptionists to book me in every 2 months, even though it clearly states on my recall can have every 2-3 months and elsewhere on my record. They seem fixated on the idea its every 3 months or nothing.
So mentioned this time I had no issues, I was actually overdue by a couple of weeks, I said its not like I'm asking for the elixr of youth or anything and tbh if they begrudge it so much why dont they give us the stuff and let us do it ourselves?
She said they do have a number of PA patients who self inject and asked if I'd be interested, they would put the ampoules, needles and a sharps bin on repeat. She emailed the pharmacy team and has requested they set it up. So fingers crossed. I feel getting a nurse to give a B12 is a waste of valuable clinic time. Its a 15 minute slot for a 30 second procedure and I've always felt guilty that its not a good use of scant NHS resources.
I'd be much happier administering my own. Lots of people SI for a variety of things and if it goes ahead it will make my life easier too.