so here’s a record of my high TSH level. For past year. Which has raised my cholesterol level so high that I had a heart attack in February. The response from the endo team. You are not taking your medication having a high TSH dose not have any symptoms!!! Will not affect your cholesterol!!! Therefore I’ve spoken to team whom all say your not taking your medication correctly!! Which is 199% not the case. I had a total thyriodacomany 20 years ago. She said I’ve never seen this before so I’m going to remove you from our list and refresh you to a different hospital. I feel like banging my head against the wall someone please help me!!!
help!!! : so here’s a record of my high TSH level... - Thyroid UK
looking at previous posts
It appears You have had lots of huge dose changes in Levo
Dose should be adjusted SLOWLY upwards ….and especially if dose is reduced……change by 25mcg and retested 6-8 weeks after each dose or brand change
ALWAYS test early morning and last dose levothyroxine 24 hours before test
Please type up new a list with
Date of each test
Dose Levo at the test
Which brand……wether tablets or liquid
And results
How do you take your Levo?
Levo is an extremely fussy hormone and needs to be taken on its own, on an empty stomach an hour before anything other than water.
That’s what I do I’m so good at taking it
Approx how much do you weigh in kilos.
What was happening that was different in March & July when your results were better?
My dose gets reduced or upped then it’s ok for a bit then just goes off the wall. I weigh 12 stone 4
So by weight you would need 125mcgs Levo approx.
78 (kg) x 1.6 - 125
There must be some sort of absorption issue going on.
Have you been checked for coeliac?
Try taking levo at bedtime.
12 stone 4lb = 78kilo
Suggested daily dose of 1.6mcg per kilo would be
78 x 1.6 = 124mcg per day
When was dose increased to 225mcg
What was dose prior to that
Taking significantly higher dose suggests malabsorption issues
Examples of malabsorption causes…..
H Pylori
in-depth research article on this
Absolutely ESSENTIAL to test TSH, Ft4 and Ft3 together
And test vitamin D, folate, B12 and ferritin at least once a year
I believe you!! But it’s a puzzle that needs some detective work to identify why you’re not absorbibg/convertibg. What other meds for cardiac issues have you been having over past year? Eg amiodrone causes problems for thyroid. What supplements and when? Are your vitamins at right level? When do you take thyrozine and with what ie all together or spaced out so nothing for 2 hrs before/ after? Persevere and contact PALS teammates if you feel the medics aren’t listening. Is your GP helping you?
Astonishing Endo treatment, even I can see that you have absorption and conversion problems and they are putting your life at risk. Do you have a sensible GP you can talk this over with and get an urgent referral elsewhere? Good luck.
I have been accused of not taking my hormones, when I take them properly & religiously. I just give it back to them. At one point I had a TSH of 33. I had high TSH on both levothyroxine & NDT. Was three and a half grains of NDT with that 33. Total thyroidectomy as well. Hope you get it figured out soon & all the best to you.
Hope you get someone to really listen and hope things improve for you. I have in past had some really strange numbers on Thyroid bloods. Got my medical history from GP after asking for SAR. Haven't fully got through them as life keeps being, erm, interesting what I did notice is that on some results where numbers didn't add up TSH high but T4 good or TSH suppressed and T4 in my boots and labs comments always "Query patient concordance" only recently since coming here I have done fair bit of private testing and seems I have conversion problem. Still at least you have a GP who is willing to listen even if he needed a kick up the bum.