Hi there,
I’ve been complaining of feeling nauseous in the mornings and hungover so I followed the suggestion on here of doing a cortisol blood test. The result was higher than I was expecting at 284 (166-507) so I’d imagine this is close enough to 300 to not cause concern. I did the test fasting at 8am. I’ve also discovered I feel much better on less T3 (particularly the mornings) so I’ve reduced it back down to 5mcg at the moment in two doses. I’m thinking of re-starting HRT as been off it now for over four months and the flushing at night is getting worse. I believe oestrogen can act as a type of steroid….? If so this might help. I also have some adrenal cortex supplements which I haven’t taken yet as considering whether to re-test my cortisol first…..
Any words of wisdom appreciated, thank you x