Hi All
I have been prescribed T3 by my endocrinologist; I have been picking the T3 up from the hospital until the Shared Care Forms that need to be done have been completed and sent to my GP.
I have gone onto my NHS and can see the meds are now available to order. However, they have given me capsules.
I have been into the surgery to pass a message on to them to say that this needs changing to tablets.
However, I have had a missed call and then a message to say that the capsules cannot be changed to tablets!
However, I have got used to Morningside and do not want to change this now.
I understand also that the capsules cannot be cut, am I right or is it a hard capsule that can be cut? I am guessing from what I have read on here that the capsule form of T3 will be Roma brand; am I right in understanding this.
I am just waiting on the phone now to the GP surgery to challenge this!