Does anyone have issues with taking T3. I have found it makes uneven heart beats worse. Very disappointing as my T3 is always on the low side . Also I've got to be careful my T4 doesn't go to high as that also cause heart issues. I do take beta blockers.
T3 issues : Does anyone have issues with taking T... - Thyroid UK
T3 issues

How long you tried it for?It is powerful in my experience and can time ti get used to.
Did you split the dose through the day?

Welcome to the group.
How much T3 are you taking and how did you introduce it when you first started it?
Its recommended to do this low & slow with only 5mcg increments.
Have you tested & now supplementing key vitamin levels ferritin, folate, B12. & D3? We need optimal vitamin levels for our thyroid hormone to work well.
Yea I take all the key supplements. It was some time ago when I tried t3 2mcg a day which probably wouldn't of done much . It's just that I'm a bit scared to try again .And of course Doctor says not good for me . All my heart issues have been caused by not enough or to much thyroxine. Just can't win
Recommend getting the vitamin levels tested and be sure they are at optimal, not just within range levels for next time you try. This could make all the difference.
I see you are taking a multivitamin. These are not recommended in this group due to being too lower dose to raise levels to optimal, contining iodine that isnt recommended for hypo people, usually low quality, inactive ingredients.

exactly what beta blocker are you taking
Propranolol beta blocker will reduce uptake of thyroid hormones and slow conversion of Ft4 to Ft3
Exactly what vitamin supplements are you taking
Please add thyroid and vitamin results and ranges
I'm on metoprolol none of them are great. I take Seeking Health multivitamin. My blood tests have been OK for b12 folate etc . My last t4 15.0 (7-16) tsh 1.8 (0.3-5.0) t3 4.8 (3.6-6.5) no energy missed heart beats .
multivitamins are never recommended
You need to stop multivitamins and test at least a week after stopping
Test vitamin D, folate, B12 and ferritin levels

Have they tested your iron levels?
if it’s any consolation when I first started down the t3 route I was also having palpitations which worsened when I jumped to 10mcg (2x5). I went back to 5 /day and then introduced the extra dose much more slowly and now have no palpitations. I also had the chewable jarrow b12 /folate supplement. We are all different and what works for one doesn’t for another but it’s worth persevering to find your optimal combination.
I would often have missed beats or irregular heartbeats. Mine was a mineral and electrolyte problem (especially magnesium and potassium). I take a multi mineral capsule. Sometimes I buy it in drops but it taste yuk in water. Also dehydration can cause the heart to play up. I also had fast heart rate at times they diagnosed it as SVT, especially when standing. My blood pressure would bottom out when I stood up. I am also slim. Thiamine B1 in quite large doses along with B2 got rid of that. If I got the fast heavy heart beats when I laid in bed of a night, it was a low potassium sign for me. I would get up and take 1/2 teaspoon of cream of tarter on my tongue and chug down a glass of water and they would go. I also took extra sea salt, the grey unrefined stuff. Beta blockers are an awful medicine and cause horrible side effects. They did not agree with me at all. Being hypothyroid causes me to not regulate my electrolytes very well. No energy, I feel like I am hung over (I don't drink) or I am coming down with the flu all the time.
I also have a B12 problem, showing high in blood, but not absorbing. I suspect mine is very low stomach acid, as I eat meat, eggs etc. I had enlarged red blood cells and was hypoxic at cellular level.
I agree with what others are saying a multi vit is not really adequate. Also it has vitamins or minerals in it that compete with each other and should be taken at different times. Mostly the dose is not high enough. I consider them a waste of money but I know a lot of people take them like an insurance policy.
The 2mgs of T3 you were taken won't do anything as you have to have enough to saturate the cells. I am a bit suspicious that it would have been 2mgs of T3 that causes worsen heart symptoms. A lot of our heart can be under our control, although runs perfectly fine on it's own under automatic control. Our thoughts can interrupt it. Were you a tad apprehensive about taken T3?
I started off of 10 mgs of T3, and my heart got stronger, it raised my low blood pressure a tiny bit, although still low and no energy. My T3 was lower than yours, just scrapping in at bottom of range, my T4 was over range with a 100mcg of T4. I was a poor converter. I am on 20 mgs of T3 a day, in one go. I did try splitting mine but it did nothing for me.
Hope you get it all sorted out Xx
It took me a few weeks to settle down with taking just T3 - I split mine out through the day (3 doses) now I have a slightly elevated heartbeat (compared to when I was hypo - not quite sure what my normal is !).
I can totally sympathise your predicament. I've now tried twice with T3, once with Thybon Henning and then Tiromel. Both times I've started very low - less than 2.5mcg (after cutting down the 20 & 25mcg tablets to a miniscule size, but after a week had to stop. I do have coronary issues and am on various meds - beta blockers etc etc and the T3 seems to affect it.
I'm currently on 112.5mcg Levo only
I am now considering NDT - natural dessicated thyroid in the hope this will be better tolerated and give me the energy levels back.
I'm on all the right supplements but my levels of T3 are consistently only 40% or less through the range, whilst my T4 is generally around 80-90% and TSH about 65% though range. I hope this might help as you are not alone with these issues.
I found T3 to be very good for my heart and thyroid. It's great stuff. I developed afib symptoms and palpitations when on Levothyroxine only and my physical ability diminished, I was athletic before taking it. Anyway, the palpitations totally stopped when I started taking T3. My pulse has been steady ever since with no palpitations. T3 is an active hormone unlike Levothyroxine, so it will be a shock to the system. It takes about 2 weeks for the body to get used to it, so you will get some symptoms in the first 2 weeks, like palpitations, anxiety and vivid dreams. My thyroid doc says it causes an increase in cortisol in the first 2 weeks. As people say, if you introduce it gradually, these symptoms will be less. I found knowing this helped me to manage the mild palpitations in the first 2 weeks. I feel the NHS docs were making it out to be dangerous. I feel Levothyroxine is the dangerous drug in terms of having a detrimental effect on my health and quality of life. It was like the NHS endo wanted the t3 to fail and didn't give me any advice on how to take it, or perhaps they just don't understand it. I hope it works it out for you..
Hi. How many doses during the day and what dose are you taking each time ? I have found i do better when I do small frequent dosing during the day for T3 meds. I take 5mcg 4 times a day. Suits me much better than 2 doses of 10 twice a day. :/
Do you split your daily dose?
Can't specifically speak to your question. I believe I was mis diagnosed with hypothyroid years back and put on Levo for 4 3/4 years. I suffered all the while with Hyper thyroid symptoms until I weaned myself off cause my doctor wouldn't listen ( I did advise him what I had done) . My symptoms subsided, but I have never been quite the same. Have tried to balance supplements for thyroid hoping to regain normal once again. This past month I have started the Dr. Westin Child's ( I have watched many of his pod cast on You Tube) T3 Conversion Booster and I am starting to feel more me than I have since 2013 when I was put on Levo for a elevated TSH lab . I don't know if this will be sustained or what, but I feel obligated to share and am hoping I continue to improve and feeling more positive about totally regaining my health the health I was bless with before being misdiagnosed. Hope this helps .