I'd be utterly grateful to receive private messages with people's recommendations for Endocrinology Consultants (NHS or Private) in the South East please.
Following an shocking appointment last week, swiftly followed by a phone call which left me in tears, I have raised a formal complaint and requested a change in Consultant. In anticipation of this being a reason for delays, I am exploring options.
I am almost 8 months into Carbimazole and not achieving anything close to control so have been living thyrotoxic for at least 10 months, and probably more like a year. Swapping to PTU was briefly discussed last week, but when I asked (what I thought were legitimate) questions, I was accused of refusing to swap and the option removed. In true gaslighting behaviour, the letter to my GP says the decision to stay on Carbimazole was jointly made by myself and the consultant, who is 'more than happy for me to contact him at any point to revisit the conversation', would review in 8 weeks. No mention of him ordering the wrong blood tests last week or the fact that my next appointment is 6 months away. I can't anymore! My GP is saying her hands are tied so I need to find a solution whilst I wait for PALS to respond.
I have a tooth extraction I desperately need doing - but the risks of sedation or GA are too high at the moment and no-one will touch it until I get some kind of control over my thyroid so as well as hyperthyroid, I have tooth pain on a daily basis, sinus pain from TED and am generally miserable.
I'm hoping to hear positive experiences which I can use to request an NHS transfer to, or a private option if needs be. I'm willing to travel almost anywhere in the South East at this point.
Thanks in advance !