OK so I am back about the vitamin B's we need and have been doing some reading up on the particular ones that could be more beneficial to someone like me with the severe anxiety issues.
I have read several papers specifically relating to B6 as being extremely beneficial for anxiety sufferers along with B12 and Folate. Before the internet was invented I used to take a small dose over the counter B6 many many years ago to help with my pmt and it was recognised back in those days as helping anxiety.
The following papers refer to participants taking "high dose" B6 and which made a difference but high dose (as we all know) can be toxic, but at what dose can you get toxic and the time period? As usual when you Google there is conflicting advice on the advised maximum dosage. Opinions seem to vary from 10mg - 100mg! WebMD says 100mg is safe, whereas other reputable sites I have popped onto say otherwise.
In this paper participants were given a B6 dose of 100mg (which in my opinion is pretty high) but taken for a short period for the study, I wouldn't think you would go toxic. I need something long term and steady
So there IS plenty of evidence that B6 can help reduce anxiety/depression in many but the question now is, if taken daily, what would be a safe dose?
As I haven't had my B's in around 2-3 weeks I need to get my act together and find something more suitable for ME, as the Seeking Health one I have been taking for years is obviously far too high in dosage for me as only recently realised from other posts I have been reading on here. prnt.sc/2SY1vcuYV0Q0
I have currently decided to take my Folate and B12 separately at the same dosage as in my Seeking Health (screenshot) and possibly a separate B6.
If I take a separate B6 I have found these two options :-
uk.healf.com/products/p5p-5... - higher dose
spartanhealthshop.co.uk/pro... - same dose as Seeking Health
Which B6 (dosage) would be better and safer to take? I am assuming I still need to balance all my B's so found a low dose complex that might be less stimulating to me than the Seeking Health biocare.co.uk/methyl-b-comp...
So if taking that route of separating certain B's, how best would it be to take them? And yes before you ask I have read the B Complex thread
Monday - B12, Folate, B6
Tuesday - b complex
Wednesday - B12, Folate, B6
Thursday - b complex ......................and so on
B12, Folate and B6 say 5 days a week and the complex twice a week?
The whole thing is a complete minefield I know but I would be interested to hear of everyone's elses experiences/trial and errors/journey in finding the right one for them and how they dose