had a message about a thyroid supply company for T3 in America. Called [ redacted source ] is this a scam company or a proper legit company trying to check it out. Please private message me any thoughts. Thanks
checking out a T3 supply source: had a message... - Thyroid UK
checking out a T3 supply source

We cannot post possible sources on the forum.
The idea is that if someone has suggested somewhere, you ask an admin if it is a trustworthy source - and do that by Private Message / Chat.
For this reason, I have edited your post to replaced the name by redacted source.
Also, suggest you follow the link below and read the advice.
📢 ⚠️ Purchasing thyroid medication without prescription - Please Be Wary! ⚠️ 📢 (Repost)
thanks for that sorry for beeching forum rules
Don't worry - many worse things have happened!
Ain't that the truth.
I once received a very obscene private message from someone calling himself what translated as "large appendage" .
I'm quite long in the tooth and not easily shocked, but I must admit, I was. Shocked, that is, and thought, why me?
Because the message was hidden I couldn't press the report key. I emailed the tech guys at healthunlocked and they had me take a pic of the message on my laptop screen, time etc.
They were able to find the perpetrator from that info and informed me a few days later, that he had been banned. Clever stuff eh?
Hope he doesn't "pop up" again under a different name.
For things like that, contacting HU directly is a really good idea - indeed the right approach.
I think we can all be shocked by things in inappropriate contexts. It is the conjunction that makes it a shock.
OMG what a bloomin saddo glad he was blocked via your efforts to report it - it’s really crass and on here, pathetic really
Oh, sounds like the one I had 😕 not long after I first joined and not being a social media user... it is an odd experience isn't it! Like you say the tech guys were great, though mistakenly blocked me as well which meant I lost all the initial useful posts and links that I'd saved.... nothing since though thankfully 🤗
Yeah, it's a horrible experience. It must have been awful for you, having just joined the forum. So, as the tech guys blocked your weirdo AND mine, there must have been 2 saddos sending nasty messages.
Ohno, they mistakenly blocked you as well.....oops. Glad it's been OK since.👍🤞
Perhaps it was one and the same saddo not sure if one or two is better or worse. If one they can strike again - not good, if two, it’s two too many 🤬
I live in United States and unless you have a script you cannot get.