Hi again
I have to get my iron levels up.. I have one perscription from my GP for 305 mg Caps Ferrous fumurate (but when I go to the pharmacies here they only have Galfer which has sooo many horrible ingredients, some of which have been banned in Australia, some euro countries)... And my private Endo gave me perscritpion for 210 mg Ferrous Fumurate.
Does anyone have any recommendations for ferrous fumurate of these dosages that DO NOT contain any nasties (I even saw one brand containing talc and paraffin).
I have been taking Terra Nova Easy Iron Complex (from health store) but it is only 20mgs bisglcinate chellate... so not enough .. And I kow the drill of having iron with vit c and avoiding caffeine etc...
if anyone can recommend somehting good (and hopefully clean) that really boosted their ferritin levels, would welcome it..