I had the phone call with the "Endo" just now. I am sure I will calm down in a minute...
I looked him up and he is a Diabetic specialist. I asked him and he said " I only deal with Endocronology". He then started on about how taking T3 is dangerous, as it does not slow release, and where do I get it. I told him my GP who has since retired gave me the prescription as he could see T4 alone was not working. He said I had been on it too long and he would be stopping it, and I just said No. He asked if I knew the risks and rolled out the old stuff, but I said I was more than willing to take that risk.
All I wanted was a blood test to include T3. He said he would send the form, but even he could not request it from the lab!!! I asked him how he would feel if the lab only tested urine for diabetics. That stumped him!
He then went on to say I dont have Hashi's, and by looking at my results I have "sub clinical hyperthroidism. He was looking at my blood results from a year ago (TSH - 0.01 T4 - 14 (11-22)). I offered to send him some papers about the feed back loop not working after a while but he declined. He assured me that the TSH was the only "real test" to which I said rubbish!
Not once did he ask how I was feeling. We left it that we would "try" for a full blood test and he would contact me again in 8 weeks (no change of dose). He did mention that someone in Cardiff was doing research into a slow release T3, so how difficult is it to add a slow release coating to a pill - lots of pills have this.
Anyway, the good news is apparently I dont have Hashi's! I think he was glad to get off the phone, and he certainly was surprised that I questioned his judgement.
And deeeeeppp breathhh...