Hey all,I had iron infusion on Monday. During it, I had anaphylactic shock (tight chest, couldn't breathe) and was injected with 100 mg hydrocortisone (thanks to this, they were able to finish the IV).
I woke up on Tuesday morning feeling incredibly warm and with a lot of energy. My vision got sharper, I was in a great mood. My thyroid felt swollen and weird, like my neck was tight and uncomfortable. I felt some jitters too at some point.
Yesterday I felt really warm and in the evening I could barely function. I was sweating, got thirsty, my HR went up and my vision went blurry on the street. Barely made it to the taxi.
I loaded electrolytes in, had food, was very pale. Decided to call the ambulance.
Of course, they checked the usual, heart absolutely fine, respiration rate too (12), oxygen sat 98%, hemoglobin raised a bit with rbcs as per usual etc. Temp 36.6, sodium 137 and potassium 4.0 (that was after 4 packs of electrolytes I took at home and salt...).
They didn't run thyroid labs, they said to do it this week, so I am booked for tomorrow morning.
I don't know what has given me this reaction, whether it was the iron IV or high dose of hydrocortisone (both doing something to my thyroid since I felt it was swollen).
I had my thyroid labwork done before IV iron:
Ft4 21% ft3 53% (24 hrs after meds).
Today I'm in bed, trying to do minimum. I felt thirsty again a lot this morning and afternoon and have palps.
Any ideas very welcome! Thank you 😊