This post has two purposes.
First, so that everyone knows about the research itself.
Second, so that anyone who does feel strongly can make use of the opt-out. While hoping that few, if any, use this opt-out, it is nonetheless right and proper that each and every former patient knows of this opt-out and, if they so decide, can make use of it in time (before December 31st 2023).
Link to the research award page:
Doris Godfrey BTF Research Award 2018
Morbidity And Mortality In Liothyronine Treated Patients: LT3 Outcome Study
Professor Colin Dayan, MA FRCP PhD, Professor of Clinical Diabetes and Metabolism, Cardiff University
Thyroxine is the usual treatment for people with an underactive thyroid problem. Most patients who take thyroxine feel well on this. However a small proportion of patients do not feel well on thyroxine alone and some practitioners treat such patients with another drug called T3. Whether T3 works just as well as thyroxine remains to be proven and opinions are divided on this. However, a growing number of patients are prescribed T3, mostly from unregulated or independent medical practices. This is worrying because the long term safety of T3 has not been established and current guidelines written by medical professionals do not advocate its routine use in practice.
The current study proposes to investigate whether patients who receive T3 (liothyronine) have a greater long term risk of heart problems, strokes, and death when compared to those who are treated in the standard way with thyroxine.
We plan to carry out this investigation using data from the private clinic records of the late Dr Gordon Skinner comprising the details of over 3,000 patients treated over a period of 20 years. Since Dr Skinner’s death, the Vaccine Research Trust that he established has been the Custodian of the clinic data. Via the Vaccine Research Trust the data from these patients will be linked anonymously to information held in the NHS Health and Social Care Information Centre (HSCIC) regarding hospital admissions from heart disease and strokes as well as information on death. We will then compare this data to similar data in individuals that have only received LT4. We will be able to do this without knowing the identities of any of these patients or any identifiable health records going outside of the Vaccine Research Trust. On this basis, individual patient consent is not required. However, patients can opt-out from having their anonymised data included in the study.
Our study will be of importance to patients with thyroid disease. An increasing number of patients are asking for a trial of T3 or NDT therapy and attending private clinics, but the risks to patients of heart disease, strokes, and death with of this practice are unknown. If there is a significantly increased risk, as many endocrinologists suspect, then patients need to be made aware of the facts. On the other hand if the risk is not different from patients taking LT4 then it will allow us to undertake further trials to try and understand if LT3 could benefit patients with an underactive thyroid problem.
Link to the opt-out notice on the British Thyroid Federation website:
T3 safety study patient opt-out notice
T3 safety study - option for patients to opt-out of their data being used in this research
The BTF is funding a study at Cardiff University in which researchers will study the long-term safety of liothyronine in patients. They will investigate whether patients who receive T3 have a greater long-term risk of developing heart problems, strokes and death compared with patients treated with levothyroxine.
The researchers will carry out this investigation using the records of 4,000 patients treated by Dr Skinner’s private clinic. To protect patients’ anonymity, the researchers will receive no identifiable information about the patients involved. For example, the NHS number is removed from these records and date of birth is changed to year of birth.
If you do not wish for your records to be included in this study, you have the right to opt out before 31 December 2023. Please follow the links on the document below to opt out, as researchers are unable to do this on your behalf.
Link to the opt-out download:
To me, it is good news that this is happening at all. At times it has felt as if no progress was being made over many years. Though things might have been happening in the background, we have not really been aware. At least there is now a formal launch of the work.