Has anyone got any information on how mercury fillings can affect the thyroid gland. I have read some scary stuff about it but have never seen it mentioned on the forum. Any info would be really helpful please.
hashimotos and mercury fillings: Has anyone got... - Thyroid UK
hashimotos and mercury fillings

There have been many, many posts about mercury (amalgam) fillings.
This is a search (and because the search facility is poor, there might be many more):
Broadly, there are two options, Do nothing and live with it. Or go to town to get any amalgam fillings removed by a specialised dentist.
The option isn't quite as obvious as you might think. Removal could end up with greater mercury exposure - at least in the short-term. And doing nothing is much less expensive.
Some of the articles and stories seem to exaggerate. And possibly the single most important thing is not to get any new ones!
The problem is that there is no such thing as short term exposure to mercury - it’s chronic. If during the process you are exposed to greater amounts of mercury, it does not just stop there. It’s a heavy metal and its effects continue and now, by removing the fillings, you have actually increased your exposure. All round it seems to be better to keep the fillings and get rid, as and when you actually need further work. At least, that is what I have concluded from what I have read and my dentist (to whom I could easily pay a fortune) also thinks this. Talk about special guards for the process etc are far from proven. No doubt there are lots of arguments against this. The balancing decision must be your own.
Thank you Helvella and everyone else who has replied to my post.
After further investigation and balancing up my options from your replies I have opted to do the following :- as I have got 10 fillings and a part amalgam/white crown the cost of removing all those would be around £5000 at my dentists charges. I feel that anytime I have to have a filling in the future I will opt for a white one as I could not face having the lot out all at once and it may cause bigger problems. I currently feel quite good and am not sure it is affecting me personally but I have decided to have a hair test to see how much Mercury and heavy metals are affecting my body. I will let you all know the results. Thank you
My own dentist stopped doing any amalgam fillings at all years ago.
They have a very specialised part of the practice which deals with children. Amalgam has been banned in children under 15 since 2018 - and this practice had stopped many years before that.
(Pure chance I ended up with this practice. But the first dentists there was the most incredibly gentle I've ever known. She could inject anaesthetic without me feeling any pain at all. When I mentioned that, she explained that dealing with their specialised practice, she had no choice but to be so gentle.)
If you continue to feel unwell and can not find an answer then considering amalgam removal might be the next step.
My own removal was successful after years of having a mouthful of mercury, but it’s expensive, a commitment and not an experience to be taken lightly. Especially considering the MTHFR & other detoxification impairments Hashimotos sufferers trend towards.
You can read my journey here about halfway down the page … healthunlocked.com/thyroidu...
Hi, I’m having my amalgam fillings removed later this month. I’ve spent years pondering the problem of amalgam. I have lots of mouth symptoms, metallic taste, sore swollen tongue and this year I’ve started to get aching in my teeth when exposed to certain chemicals. I think it’s obvious something is wrong. I’ve 7 silver fillings.
Luckily I have a trained & equipped local dentist. Going to cost me over £2, 000 unfortunately but I’ve had years of ill health and I’ve decided the fillings might be a root cause.
Sarah Myhill has lots of useful information on her website. She advises all her patients to have amalgam removed. She goes into great detail about the detoxing after you’ve had fillings removed.
I’m keeping fingers crossed that this might be the answer to what’s been causing my poor health & unusual sensitivity.
Hi - yes I have - I had full mouth of them sometimes deep fillings three lots in tooth - was very ill had them removed on medical grounds and autoimmune blood tests improved they are awful !
I had about 12 amalgams & over time replaced them with white ones. But after having some major health issues 5 years ago it was something I felt I needed to do at some point. So I took the plunge last year & had the last 6 fillings removed. I thought it was all going swimmingly until earlier this year when I had a relapse of symptoms. Possibly caused by the exposure of mercury. So I restarted the detox protocol which I foolishly only did for about 2 months. I plan to continue with it now indefinitely. So far so good.
Good luck to you - there’s no right or wrong way to do it as it is very individual.
Thank you
I plan to have them changed as I go along like you did.